Author Topic: needing to be held constantly  (Read 677 times)

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Offline lilly_kitt

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needing to be held constantly
« on: January 10, 2010, 18:06:42 pm »

Tyler is 7 weeks old and is a nightmare to put down as he knows he is not being held and wakes up more or less straight away, have tried swaddling but its not for him as he resists having his arms restricted.  Going to try and put him in his cot bed tonight in a sleeping bag with me sleeping in the same room as he also hates his moses but I dont want to be settling him all night, i know i will for the first few nights until he gets used to it but he cant even be put down for long during the day.  I will write down his daytime routine tomorrow and look at that as he does have his own little one but his naps are more like power naps and never for long periods of time.


Offline Tweakster

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Re: needing to be held constantly
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 17:43:51 pm »
HI there Sarah, big hugs, they are so so new at that age and your priority needs to be sleep really - for both of you.  Have you read the BW books and are you familiar with Tracy's theories and methods?

I would strongly recommend continuing to swaddle, and it has to be tight tight.  Are you using a blanket or a pre-fabricated swaddle?  I know they fight it, Finn did too, but honestly it was the only thing to calm him and help him sleep better.  

We do need to see your routine to have a good look at what is going on.  At 7 weeks they are pretty much eating, burping, changing and then winding down to sleep again.  Do you have a wind down routine with him?  Have you tried shush/pat when you put him down in his moses?  Does he take a pacifier/dummy?  Have you heard of using white noise and have you tried it with him?

Does he sleep with movement like in a swing or stroller?  Or do you have an infant carrier so he can sleep close to you on your body?

How are his nights?  Do you suspect he might have his days and nights mixed up?

The thing for LO's this age is to recreate the womb conditions as much as possible.

Let's see what your routine is like and we can go from there.
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