Author Topic: How bad is television for babies?  (Read 5184 times)

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Offline beckygatt

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How bad is television for babies?
« on: January 11, 2010, 09:00:32 am »
I've read that television isn't good for babies under 2 years and I always said I wouldn't let her watch TV. But now that she's active (9 months) its really difficult to leave her playing safely e.g. while I get myself ready or make her lunch. She won't stay in playpen for too long and the only way I've been able to keep her entertained safely is by putting her in a walker (she's too small to actually walk in it so she stays put!) and putting on baby TV. I was reading again that TV is bad for babies yesterday and now I'm feeling guilty and worried I might be doing harm. Also I do sometimes watch some TV myself and leave her playing with her toys on the carpet near me. She doesn''t really watch TV when its my programmes but are the flashing lights etc still bad? Has anyone had any experience with adverse effects from TV? Thanks!

Offline Spandanna

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 09:45:11 am »
I'm sure if its only for 5 minutes here and there its fine. I would guess it's bad for babies when they are left for half an hour in front of flahing lights and loud TV (especially younger babies that can't move themselves away from it. I know my Mum has told me she used to plonk me in front of the TV for 5 minutes so she could quickly do something but she seems to think never longer than 5-10 mins at a time.

I put my LO (6 months) in front of the kids channel for 5 mins most evenings whilst I get his bath and bedtime thigs ready, I won't be able to do this when he's crawling I shouldn't imagine but he talks to the telly when it's on.

What exactly did the article say that you read? Did it give any actual research analysis or did it say what sort of harm and based on length of time in front of the TV?

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 11:17:20 am »
Moderation is the key I think.  Although all the research research suggests no TV until 2, and that any amount of TV hinders their brain developement.   
Even if the TV is on, they are still glancing at it. It is proven that the flickering images, fast moving pace interfere with the way their brain forms and over stimulates them.  Also every minute infront of the TV is time taken away from them being able to investigate and interact with their environment, obviously too passive and activity for kids that should be constantly moving.   

I think we need to be practical though, if we are desperate for somew distraction for our LO;s having a bad day, about to jump off a cliff, then for sure let them watch some TV! I am no stranger to plonking my son in front of the TV for 15 mins of recorded age appropriate show or DVD when things are getting tough, but I don't personally watch my shows, I really don't want him to see ads.  They are the route of all evil i think catching their eye and with catchy jingles demanding their attention  and showing them images of things that I don't him to yet know about about and putting brands and product placement in his lovely fresh mind ::).  I just tape things and watch them at night if I need to.

I guess as you get used to the transition to having an active baby you need to get more creative with ideas to entertain her, what works what doesn't work, there's no doubt that without TV we have to be more creative and dilligent to keep them safe and also busy at the same time.

Some ideas for safe play:
**baby proof a whole area really well so she can safely explore whilst you are busy
**involve her in food prep, sit her in high chair and pass her foods to investigate that you are making as part of her lunch, talk to her about what you are doing so she can watch you
**set up a an obstacle course of pillows and objects that she can investigate on the floor whilst you start your task, come through with new objects for her to pull apart after 5 mins or so so she keeps busy.
** set her up on floor near you with pots and pans, if she keeps getting in your way, just accept that the job will take a lot longer, keep showing her new things to open and close to look at etc
*** allow more time to get your jobs done and involve her in them if possible

hope this helps!

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2010, 11:43:57 am »

The key really is moderation and it sounds like you are doing just that  :-*

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Offline Shiv52

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2010, 11:49:57 am »
Agree with moderation being the key! 

My LO watches a a bit of TV every day when we are in the house all day.  We used to have the TV on in the evenings while she was about but I have recently said to DH that I don't want the TV to be on when she is about unless it is a LO orientated show.  My LO is 20 months and I think we need to get into the habit of not having her exposed to things on TV.  I want to try keep my LO little for as long as possible and I don't want her to be hearing the news about all the bad things that happen or shows where the content isn't suitable IYKWIM.

I used to be really against TV but I have learned that there is a time and a place!! 

Offline Roseii

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2010, 12:26:53 pm »
This does worry me because DH has the TV on ALL THE TIME. He grew up with it on all the time, it still is at my MIL's (and she has DD when I work twice a week) He obviously doesn't watch anything violent or inappropriate.
The only good thing is, she is so used to the TV being on that she barely glances at it if she is happy playing...But she will sit and have cuddles with DH watching Mickey Mouse when she is tired...(then I take her up to her cot, she doesn't nap in front of the TV) It's not ideal but I do know that DD is very bright, very vocal and speaks brilliantly for her age, and she is absolutely nonstop buzzing around all the time, not like a couch potato in front of the TV.
I just hope she's not getting longterm damage :(
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2010, 17:43:52 pm »'re dh turned out ok and grew up with the TV on constantly, maybe just keep an eye on the use at home. My MIL is the exact same and I know that DD and DS watch the TV alot when she minds then 2 days a week, I have hinted heavily about this to her but it falls on deaf ears and I guess I'm just reluctant to jeporadise my relationship with her by critising her use of TV kwim. My kids have a couple of prigrammes that they like, most of which are recorded and I play them as I need to.

Offline Mashi

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2010, 17:55:37 pm »
Well I have to say that we have the TV on all day here and we actually sit with DS and watch quite a bit of it in a day, explaining it to him, trying to get him to talk about it, and so on!  Main reasons are probably different than most people's but I do it because DS has NO exposure to English at all in a day other than from me (and DH when he's home). I know that TV is supposed to be bad for language development, but he also needs to hear conversations and words he can understand from somewhere as we live in quite a bubble where we do not know any other people in the country and when we are out and about he only hears German.

I think that there are many arguments for why TV is bad for children, and sure, most of it is probably correct. But I also think that as parents we are constantly bombarded with all of the things that we should not be doing, things we should not be feeding, things we should not be saying, activities that are not safe, and the opposite as well, we should be doing these things to stimulate this development, and that development, and so on -- if you take all of it on board then you'll end up seeing yourself as a total failure at parenthood.   Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, kwim?

Offline frano

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2010, 17:59:48 pm »
well said mashi

Offline ark

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2010, 18:19:15 pm »
There was also a recent study done the showed there was no difference in children that watched TV under the age of two and those who didn't.  Can't find the article now.  I would think your own judgement would be best.  

I currently let DD watch TV.  She is 3 mo., but has a very significant flat spot on her head.  The TV is the only way I can entice her to turn her head other direction.

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Offline beckygatt

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2010, 19:07:43 pm »
Hmmm, thanks for the replies! I think I'll try to limit TV a bit more but without obsessing too much. I'll try do it strictly for a bit to see if it helps sleep (she's not a good sleeper!) and see how it goes!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2010, 19:18:22 pm »
well said mashi

Ditto that!  We too have the TV on all day, until supper time and after that the "rule" is no TV (more for DH than the kids though - that is the time he plays with them and if the TV was on I know he wouldn't)  That said, my kids rarely sit and watch more than a few minutes unless it's a fav show. They have a habit of playing around the house and listening to the programs more than watching them. If we don't have the TV on we put on music...we all seem to need some sort of background noise.

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2010, 21:14:28 pm »
until supper time and after that the "rule" is no TV (more for DH than the kids though - that is the time he plays with them and if the TV was on I know he wouldn't)

That is the other reason for our no TV in the evening but I tell DH its because of the content and its too stimulating before bed!  Or I wouldn't get his bum off the settee. I think he thinks I don't have the TV on at all during the day!!!  I did come in the other day and he had the laptop on showing her videos on youtube!!!!  But thats another thread!!!

I've been thinking about this all day and been googling away.  I totally agree with Mashi too.  Anything I have read has said that yes TV isn't great for LOs under 2 but that focuses on kids who watch for hours on end with no interaction inbetween.  I read a lot of criticisms of the APP's advice not to let LOs watch TV at all.  Their main arguement is it makes kids passive when they can/should be learning and I do get that but the interaction in between times is the important thing. 

One thing that stuck out to me is TV in itself is not a bad thing depending on what else you do in your day with your LO.  I have been thinking about this alot as I was feeling a bit guilty about the amount of TV DD watches, be it her shows or mine in the day, and to be fair if she stood glued to it I probably would feel differently but she doesn't.  She still potters about and plays and we chat through any show she watches. And sometimes we don't.  Sometimes she snuggles up on the settee and chills out watching a show.

But being a SAHM, I just find I can't teach/play every minute of the day with a spirited LO, nor do I think it would be good for her for me to be constantly entertaining.  I've worked hard at independent play!! But every day we play together, we put on music and dance, she helps me with chores, puzzles, we read books, we eat meals together and yeah we watch some TV.  But I think she gets a lot of quality time with me. 

Us mummies have enough to contend with trying to parent these LOs best we can.  We all work hard to do the best for our LOs and whether or not they watch telly isn't going to harm them when you think of all the other things we do with them to help them develop! 

Offline Roseii

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2010, 21:26:52 pm »
Shiv and Mashi said it perfectly. And the fact that we all have bright, well balanced kids who may happen to watch a lot of TV clearly isn't harming them! I mean how else would my DD have learnt to say "Mickey" "Minnie" and other Disney character names?!! ;)
And Shiv I am so grateful that at some point during the day DD will snuggle up and watch a show with me or DH, gives me a much needed rest and I love the time she will sit cuddling up to me when the rest of the time she is buzzing round non stop.
And DD pretty much follows me round the house anyway (loo, kitchen, wherever) so I know I am more interesting than the TV :)
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Offline Roseii

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Re: How bad is television for babies?
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2010, 21:28:33 pm »
Oh and DH is forever showing DD youtube vids, mainly animals making their sounds (which I suppose is vaguely educational) and all the "laughing babies" vids!!
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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