Author Topic: so how do i look at introducing dairy?  (Read 2222 times)

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so how do i look at introducing dairy?
« on: January 12, 2010, 09:17:56 am »
Caleb is coming up to 1 years old and Im concerned hes not getting enough calcium in his day due to the fact that hes MPI (never 100% confirmed but is on Pepti Junior formula for this)

I have tried eggs this week and we have been successful, the last time i gave it to him was 4 months ago and it was disastrous. I also added soy milk in when i made the eggs up to try and get some more milk into him. I worry because I cant give him cheese, yoghurt etc etc all those things that have calcium in them that you would normally add to their diet to make sure they are getting enough in the day. well at the moment hes having arrowroot biscuits and rice crackers for snacks, he refuses fruit so i cant try that and Im just feeling very limited in what i can give him!

So how do i introduce dairy? the eggs went really well so im wanting to try some more things. i did give him pancakes for lunch today, i usually make gluten free ones but i decided to try him on one that had milk and flour in it today, so far theres been no reaction, that was 8 hours ago, i m going to try him again at breakfast tomorrow with another pancake (he loved it!) and if theres no reaction, do this again the next day so that we can say we did three days of him having something with dairy in it. is there anything else to consider? anythign i may have overlooked in my haste?? i really want him to be able to eat his birthday cake this weekend but if its going to cause issues i wont even try

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Re: so how do i look at introducing dairy?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 09:36:42 am »
This may not help but my dd had terribel lactose intolerance and is only just taking milk products at 15 mo. My dietician told me to start with processed custard because that has the least amount of lactose/milk and the move to fromage frais and take it from there. Thsi info may be of NO help whatso ever!!!

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Re: so how do i look at introducing dairy?
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 09:47:13 am »
Well if he has been having milk in the pancakes and not having any reactions, that's a good start.  

Usually the milk challenge that is done n the hospital (Both my hospital in England and here in Germany, although maybe in some places it is different) do straight milk (as opposed to other dairy products) for the challenge: offer LO 5mls and see how they are for one hour.  Then 10 mls, wait one hour, and so on. Some doctors will do a skin test first if there is concern that there may be a local reaction as well.  

So if you have started with milk that is added to foods and Caleb is fine, then I would slowly start trying some milk with him and see how he is. Put 5mls in a syringe and squirt it in like meds and see how he is.  We introduced dairy over a month, once we knew DS was okay with it.  So, he could have milk and I knew he had outgrown his allergy/intolerance but I didn't want to overload his digestive system with too much of it. So for a while he had bits of cheese every day, then I tried some yogurts, then straight milk - it was a while before I went onto things like cream sauces or heavy cream type products (lots of which there are here in Germany, maybe a regional thing).  

In terms of calcium, his formula will have enough calcium for him, even if he stays on it past 12 months. As will soy milk -- LOs this age need 500mg of calcium per day. Which doesn't mean they need to drink a lick of cow's milk....sweet potatoes, oranges, broccoli, oatmeal...all sources of calcium, although it is just much easier to get it from dairy.  Soy milk won't have enough fat in it for him, but again you can supplement that with other fats, if you really need to go onto soy milk.


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Re: so how do i look at introducing dairy?
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 08:13:31 am »
hi, sorry for my late reply, after two days of the pancakes he got a red rash on his cheeks so i stopped giving them to him. I asked a maternal child and health nurse and she said to offer the food for three days and then wait three weeks for a reaction, she said that it can take up to 10 days for a reaction to appear! so now im too scared to offer anything. I was thinking of offering the pancakes again just to see if the same reaction comes up again, he didnt get an irritable gut, i usually know theres a reaction happening because hes up all night, he was a bit more windy and burpy but he still slept through the night. I wanted to do what you suggested mashi with the syringe but now im not so sure

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Re: so how do i look at introducing dairy?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2010, 21:37:35 pm »
I'm just stalking really, DS is 19mth - been dairy free all this time but I wanted to know the best way to go about it.  I can't believe it can be up to 3 weeks for a reaction - that seems a very long time to me.  I'm not surprised you don't want to try anything else!  I think if I was you I'd try the pancakes again as you have already started but just keep a very close eye.

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Re: so how do i look at introducing dairy?
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2010, 22:18:17 pm »
well I tried 1ml of milk like Mashi suggested and there was no reaction, I was too chicken to try any more as we had Calebs birthday coming up and I didnt want ANYTHING to mess it up, but i think starting monday i will try again and do what Mashi suggested with the syringe and increasing the milk etc.

have been also giving him stuff i know has a bit of dairy in it, like cupcakes etc adn so far so good, no reactions

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Re: so how do i look at introducing dairy?
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2010, 11:17:19 am »
That's great news.  I think when we're ready I'll give the syringe method a go - although I may use a spoon as DS has to already take a lot of meds in syringes & I don't want to confuse issues!