Can any one help my nine month old LO sleep for longer?
He has milk and soya protien intolerence and since being on Nutramigen (for 1 month) is much much happier in the day. But nights are really bad (and have been for months!!!) . I have chronic sleep deprivation with migraines and low immunity, please help!!! This has been typical for say the last week or so.
Take baby downstairs at about 6.30am
9am breakfast (cereal in 4oz milk)
about 9.45am sleep in cot, no dummy (pick up/put down for about 30 mins)
wake 10.45pm milk 3oz
lunch 12pm- about 200g of food
about 1.30pm sleep
wake 2.30pm
milk 4oz
Dinner 4pm- about 200g of food
bath, massage,milk (3oz)
6.30pm Pu/Pd- can take up to 1.5 hours.
Usually asleep by 8pm
wake 8.30pm, pat back to sleep or pu/pd
wake 11pm milk takes full feed. screams if i do not feed him, back to sleep
wake 1.30am ish screaming, difficult to console. In and out of sleep till about 5 am
5am milk
sometimes goes to sleep, sometimes not.
I guess he is OT, but cant break the cycle. Also, is it ok to dilute down his late night feed in water? I cant increase his calrie intake in day as he simply wont take more and will get windy.
Thanks so much xxxx