Kara, I think it it trial and error with that last A time. I only found out accidentally with a 1.5 hour nap, that is what worked for my LO.
Laura, you have so many variables, so it is understandable why you are struggling.
Yesterday went like this for us:
wake - 6:35
nap - 1:20 - 2:30 I think he was OS from the class and I also found that he had a BM when he woke from his nap, which would also explain him taking a while to fall asleep.
sleep - 7:40
It is 6 and I can hear him talking. So we got a shorter night. I don't think I can necessarily chalk it up to a later bedtime because the night before we had a 7:30 bedtime. So I am wondering that if even with the 1 hour 10 minute nap, if his A was too short after. I know what kind of A he needs on a longer nap, but I am not sure with the shorter ones.