Don't be so hard on yourself! I know as moms, we want our children to be perfect and not to have any problems. And when they do, we want to take the blame, because they are so young and innocent, we dont want them to hurt. But Some chidren are just born with allergies and intolerances. My DS started having problems at 2 weeks (may have since day 1, we just didn't know, never would latch either, so I EP) and it was 4 months, before I finally was able to figure out what exactly the problem was. Alot of times, if the families have history of reflux, food allergies, hay fever, asthma, eczema and etc, then the baby is very prone to having allergies... despite how much breast milk they get. I unfortunately gave up BF before I realized what was wrong, I never tried an elimitation diet, I just knew BM made him vomit. And formula didnt. There is alot of negitivity forced on us moms and guilt... that we arent doing whats best for our LO if we "give up" but honestly, some times that is truly the best thing for them. And feeling guilty, keeps us from being the best mommies we can. I honestly believe, now, that so long as we are making choices for our babies, based on what is in THEIR best interest, we are great mommies! So this time around, formula, makes me a better mom. My child is growing, healthy, strong and smart, because of it. And im thankful we have that option!
Hope your LOs are doing better! It is rough. I understand. But it gets better too! :-)