Okay...things are now a disaster. I need some major help. Everything started out great...I was making the gradual change to increase A time and DS came down with a cold, which I eventually caught and now everything is a mess. Something has to change. My DH wants to try CIO or CC methods, which I adamantly disagree with, but we are getting NO sleep, which is why I think I've been so sick (2 ear infections, RSV, sinus infection, and strep)...luckily DS didn't get anything but a little cold...I'm plain exhausted. I haven't had more than 2 hour stretches of sleep in 6 months.
I think while DS and I were sick (and probably before that too) I did some accidental parenting. I think he is now addicted to the nuki (only uses it at naps / bedtime), I also think I might be rushing in too quickly when he fusses for fear of accidentally doing the CIO or CC methods, and I don't think I've taught him how to self soothe.
To top it off he had his 6 month check up and had inadequate weight gain...he's not considered FTT because he's still reaching his milestones and appears generally healthy, but it's something we have to watch.
Right now, DS is waking several times at night and now having long night wakes (45+ minutes), which I know are related to too short of A time. So yesterday, I tried increasing his A time and he couldn't handle it...was whining, ended up only taking a 30 minute nap, skipped his catnap, had frequent waking after putting him down and had two 45+ night wakings last night.
HELP...where do I start? I really want to stick with BW method, but I think I'm at a crossroad and need to see some improvement quick. I have been tracking his EASY, but still see no improvement.