Author Topic: so we are still having problems...  (Read 697 times)

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so we are still having problems...
« on: January 14, 2010, 14:10:23 pm »
shes not sick anymore and she still isnt eating right! she keeps pulling off the nipple. i have noticed that if i try to feed her more often she nurses for a lot less time 5min each sideish. i have extended her feeds to every 3.5hrs and she was doing great for a few days and now we are back to pulling off! i can only get her to eat for 20mins total and probably ten mins is her pulling off and going back on and pulling off. i dont force her back on she latches herself. she gets 5mins of good gulping each breast. i feel like shes really only getting foremilk though b/c when she does go ack on she gets a gulp the rips off and it continues until she ends up just playing with my nipple by licking it or she pushes it out with her tounge or she will sit there and smile at me with it in her mouth...idk if shes just not hungry? maybe we should go 4hrs but shes not ready for 4hr easy on a mental basis yet...naps are still hell and she can barely handle 1hr 45min A. btw when i went grocery shopping the other day i left her with her father and she ate about 6oz of EBM.
her night feeds are like every 3 hours now which is driving me nuts b/c i can barely get her to eat during the day but i have noticed (unfortunately) that when i end up falling asleep during a night feed and she falls asleep she will have only eaten off one breast so is she even hungry or am i just feeding her from assumption? she doesnt cry when she wakes up but she never has cried for food. she just grunts a little. her NW have increased mega the past week or so and shes driving me nuts lol before it seemed she only woke to eat so i'd feed her and then she would sleep no issues now shes up for hours every night but thats another story lol anyways do you think i should not feed her at night?

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Re: so we are still having problems...
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2010, 13:43:26 pm »
Hey there

Sorry things are still so rough.  :( Can you remind me; was reflux a player here or was it just she was poorly? Were you concerned about supply issues before? Just trying to remember... a reminder would be great.

Right. So, 3.5 months old and not feeding for long. How is she between feeds during the day - content? And then lots of nightwakings?

You mentioned 4EASY. Okay. Having the feeds 4hours apart doesn't mean that she should be awake for 2hours at a time. That's for when she's ready. I wonder if the NWs might be sleep related. How long is she sleeping during the day for naps - I know you mentioned they are hell. How long are they?

Sometimes it's all interrelated. There are lots of reasons for NWs besides hunger. Trying to rule out if the increased NWs are hunger or OT or something else.  :) Let me know on the day sleep / your EASY?

Also. The thing with BFs are that babes vary so so much in how long they take to feed. Now some are super efficient (could be the case here) and are done in 20 mins, sometimes much less. Others nurse for what can feel like an eternity (my DS). At 1y 10 months, he still nurses for a good 15 mins. And I often assume he's sucking for fun, but when I check there's milk. He just takes his time. Clearly doesn't care that the dishes need washing, the house is a state and I've got things to do  ;) He just takes it slow. So, could be an efficient feeder here. Which we can try and work out by gently seeing how those feeds go during the day at 3.5h apart, without lots of extra night feeds.

But at this age, I would still expect night feeds as we discussed before.  :)



Offline anielasmommy

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Re: so we are still having problems...
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2010, 14:20:58 pm »
thanks for the reply. sooo yes she had reflux and yes we had a supply issue from when she first got her cold she lost weight and wasnt eating well.
she had horrific NW for 3 days and now poof dissapeared lol she has still been waking at 3:20Am and crying for 30mins but isnt i have just been holding her but tonight i will try w2s at 2:20Am.
she is eating every 3.5hrs still and only taking 15-20 mins. the thing is when she starts the ripping off and relatching when she relatches shes still getting milk i can hear her swallow once then she rips off again she has been doing this now for nearly 2 months! it hurts! idk what to do about it but she is gaining weight which is what is most important!
we are still having the 45min nap problem. im just chaulking it up to developmental and will do my best to keep extending them...

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Re: so we are still having problems...
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2010, 14:37:11 pm »
Just to second the efficient feeder possibility theory.

My DS was a VERY slow feeder until he was about 2 months old then Wham!  He would feed for 5 minutes on each side and be completely done for 4 hours!

I was concerned about it but when we started him on bottles too a couple of months later he could down 8oz in 5 minutes without batting an eyelid!!!! 

As he got older (and moved exclusively onto bottles) he got slower so I figure that I had had a fast letdown and he had just got used to drinking really fast.  At 14 months now and he will still drink is bottle in under 10 minutes.