Kaynay, does your LO use a paci? If you swaddled him without the extra reinforcements (i.e., the other 2 blankets) would he be able to get out of the swaddle?
I have have a 4mo old LO tat has been swaddled since day 1. She was STTN but now we have a NW anywhere between 3-5 where she has wiggled her hands out of her swaddle and woken herself up. She has never been able to resettle, so every night I have to go back in and reswaddle.
In my case, since she's getting out of it and it's causing a NW every night, I know we need to wean. It's sooooo hard. We've tried the arm out- disastrous. I've tried the sleep sack (like a swaddle but the arms are free) even MORE of a disaster. So, I'm thinking I might have the sleep sack arm holes sewed shut, but still put her in the sleep sack so that she has much more free range of motion than in a traditional tight swaddle, but can't hit herself in the face/head. I'm thinking that once she gets used to the freedom, we can just let her sleep in her footie pajamas and call it a day! (We live in FL so it's warm
So, in your case, it's whatever your comfortable with at this time. We have just transitioned from 3h EASY to 4h EASY (well, sort of- she's still taking 35m naps so it's more like EASAS EASAS)
Good luck and please let me know how things go. Know that there are plenty of us out there in the same boat!!