Author Topic: MPI- Is it possible to have some foods and not others?  (Read 1931 times)

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Offline greenteamomma

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MPI- Is it possible to have some foods and not others?
« on: January 20, 2010, 19:53:38 pm »
We were diagnosed with MPI by the lactation consultant when we were still breastfeeding, at 2 months.  At 6 months, we went to milk based formula (Good Start) and his symptoms (mainly mucosy bowel  movements and gas) didn't come back.  I never got anything more formal then her diagnosing based on his symptoms.  Later, once on soids, I introduced yogurt.  I think it was at 9 months and again no symptoms I could tell.  Is it possible I missed sign when I introduced the formula and yogurt?  Since he is now 1 yr old, we recently introduced whole milk thinking he would be ok.  Now I wonder if I'm "poisoning" my son!  I had read some LO with MPI could tolerate yogurts or hard cheese because the process further broke down proteins but not actual milk.   

I am looking for more information because we are having sleep issues and though not the main reason for the sleep issues, it might also be causing the issues.  He has alot more loud gas, is more irritable then before and has an off again, on again rash ring around his bum.  I know these are also symptoms of many things.  I am just trying to make sure I am not creating discomfort and further complications. 

Does anyone have advice?

Offline greenteamomma

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Re: MPI- Is it possible to have some foods and not others?
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2010, 21:11:16 pm »
I need to add I just noticed a patch of ecxema (sp?).  It runs in my family as well as asthma.


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Re: MPI- Is it possible to have some foods and not others?
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2010, 15:15:14 pm »

I had read some LO with MPI could tolerate yogurts or hard cheese because the process further broke down proteins but not actual milk.   

Yes, this is true.  The proteins are broken down more in yogurt and cheese (along with baked dairy) and are easier to digest.  It is quite common to be able to tolerate those types of dairy, but not actual glasses of cow's milk.  My DD2 had a severe milk allergy - she can now tolerate dairy in baked goods, but not actual cow's milk.  There is a good chance he will grow out of it in the next year - and I don't know if that's what causing his sypmtoms but it does sound like.  I personally would drop the glasses of milk for a few more months and then introduce again slowly.

((hugs)) hope he feels better soon!  Can you get him in to see a ped allergist to do any testing? 

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Re: MPI- Is it possible to have some foods and not others?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2010, 19:54:52 pm »
thanks for the reply!  I will be seeing the doc next week for his 1 yr shots.  I will discuss then with them. 

In the mean time, what do people do when they delay giving cow's milk?  keep giving formula or go to rice milk?  I just got him used to cow's so I might just go back to formula.  I don't want to now introduce rice...he just started drinking formula from a cup.  He would only drink water before. 


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Re: MPI- Is it possible to have some foods and not others?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2010, 20:38:17 pm »
I'm not entirely sure - I would imagine to keep giving formula, and then there are toddler type formulas that can be used after a year or so.  Also, the rice, soy, almond, oat, coconut milk (or a mixture!).  I BF until last week so didn't worry too much, but am now giving a mix of almond and coconut milk (she's not too crazy about, but trying).

Good luck.  Hope you can get some actual tests done to get a clearer answer.

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Re: MPI- Is it possible to have some foods and not others?
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2010, 20:49:47 pm »
Maybe you can go gradually from the milk/formula you've gotten used to and add a little bit more rice milk each day. I would make sure you go with unsweetened rice milk, as some are sweetened in addition to their natural sweetness.

We're another household that can't tolerate straight-up cows' milk but eats yogurt by the gallon, so much so that I now buy the milk and make my own. :) We have a friend whose DD was allergic to eggs and cows' milk but can now have them IF they've been cooked/baked, which makes it easier to have her for birthday parties. Still allergic to ALL nuts and to sesame seeds, and I think also to milk contact. Don't know about cultured dairy tho - does anyone know if there's a RAST test or challenge or other way to test for that? It'd broaden their food choices a lot if she could take cultured dairy. :)

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Re: MPI- Is it possible to have some foods and not others?
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2010, 19:12:00 pm »
We have decided to cut out all the large sources of MP from his diet and then when he is 18 months old reintroduce.  His formula is partically hydrolized and doesn't seem to have changed anything when we switched at 7 months.  We will stick with the current formula as it is good for 6-18 months.  There is a "toddler" formula of this formula that I will check out when I go to the groceries next time to see what it is about.  I remember seeing it and thinking "why would you need that...". 
Just since yesterday, his loud gas has diminished to "regular" sounding gas. At the worst, he would cry out and then you would hear his tummy grumble and he would let out a series of loud toots.  You could hear this from across the room!  It is too soon to tell but since he was getting more eager to drink milk from a sippy cup and over the last three days had ingested the most amount of milk yet so it seems to coincide. 
In my search for info, one place did mention sleeplessness so it might help our sleep issues too! 

fingers crossed