We were diagnosed with MPI by the lactation consultant when we were still breastfeeding, at 2 months. At 6 months, we went to milk based formula (Good Start) and his symptoms (mainly mucosy bowel movements and gas) didn't come back. I never got anything more formal then her diagnosing based on his symptoms. Later, once on soids, I introduced yogurt. I think it was at 9 months and again no symptoms I could tell. Is it possible I missed sign when I introduced the formula and yogurt? Since he is now 1 yr old, we recently introduced whole milk thinking he would be ok. Now I wonder if I'm "poisoning" my son! I had read some LO with MPI could tolerate yogurts or hard cheese because the process further broke down proteins but not actual milk.
I am looking for more information because we are having sleep issues and though not the main reason for the sleep issues, it might also be causing the issues. He has alot more loud gas, is more irritable then before and has an off again, on again rash ring around his bum. I know these are also symptoms of many things. I am just trying to make sure I am not creating discomfort and further complications.
Does anyone have advice?