I have a 10.5 month old who has slept through the night (7pm to 6:30am) maybe 5 or 6 nights since he was 6 months old but more often than not is awake anything from once to six times a night. I have not fed him during the night, except for a dream feed (now dropped), since he was about 6.5 months old and he settles himself to sleep for his daytime naps and when I put him down at night time. He naps well during the day having two sleeps totalling 2.5 to 3.5 hours. The timings of his naps is dependent on when he wakes but typically, he sleeps from 9am when I get back from the school run for up to 1.5hours and then again at 12:30 for between 1.5 and 2hours. He then goes to bed at around 6:45. A pretty model baby except for night! Night times are really variable. Sometimes, he is awake for a couple of hours during the night, sometimes he wakes up every hour from around 10:30 but will settle back to sleep fairly quickly, sometimes he sleeps until 4:30am but then won't settle back until 6:30am. I did pick up put down at around 6.5 months which did improve things - I was previously just feeding him when he woke. He then was happy for me to settle him with a hand on his cheek until he went to sleep and now I often only have to say shhh-shhhh and he will return to sleep. However, whatever I do doesn't seem to help him go to sleep any quicker than he would otherwise want to but does keep him calm. If I'm not there, he just screams after a while.
I can't get to the bottom of why he won't sleep. Most people seem to suggest that if your baby can settle themselves to sleep, is napping well and isn't feeding during the night, then sleeping through will follow soon after. However, it has been months since my LO has been able to do this and there is no sign of him sleeping through. Please can someone help?!!