I've had lots of help on these boards before, so here goes, hope someone can help.
My LO is now 16 months old and used to STTN, from 9 months until 12 months - well it all went wrong when she cut her first tooth at 12 months! Lots of AP was going on and I decided that she would need to re-learn independent sleep. Anyway, I can now put her in her cot and say sleepy time (at night) and she will drift off probably 15 mins later. So that is independent sleep right..? So my question is, why 2-3 NW's a night. I was offering her a bottle if she got up at around 2am and realised that actually she didnt really need an extra bottle and even though she drank it all, it didnt necessarily mean that she was hungry - so I watered it down and down and down. She still gets up, probably not for this watered down bottle, but is she getting up out of habit do you think. Recently she is getting up at midnight, 2am and then between 4am-5am.
She has been teething on and off, and I am abit suspicious about her first molars, but she wont let me look in her mouth. I do medicate her when I think perhaps it may be her teeth, but she still has lots of NW's
I would be soooo grateful if anyone here can look at her routine, just in case it needs a tweak or two...
Wake - 6.30/7
E 8am - breakfast (no morning bottle)
S 12/12.30
A 1.30/2pm
S 6.30/7pm (depending on when she woke from her nap) - we work on a 5 hour activity time most days
So, just wondering if she can settle herself to sleep for naps and bedtime, why cant she settle herself during NW?
Do you think she needs more activity time before bed
Sorry for the long post, please help - I'm sooooo tired...