Okay mamas, don't want to repeat what so many posts have already asked but every baby seems to be in a bit of a different situation, would love some feedback.
First off-twin babies and 13 months exactly. Doesn't really matter though b/c we are doing the same thing with each.
Usual schedule:
Awake 6:30 or 7:00
Nap 10:00ish
Nap 3:00ish
Bed 7:30
Lately: Napping 1.5 hours in am, fighting afternoon nap-meaning, playing/crying/whatever but then almost always falling asleep for at least 45 minutes. One is ok rested, one is very very grumpy after second nap.
Tried for three days: Keeping them up for early 11:00 lunch, then bed at 11:30. Slept about 1.5 hours each nap, then early bedtime at 6:30.
Today-cranky pants! Not happy! Gave in and put them down in the morning, around 9:45, slept one hour each.
Question: Should I be gradually pushing their a.m. nap later and later? How gradually? I think they are working on the 2-1 but not quite there 100% yet. I follow BW and Healthy Sleep Habits to the 't'. What as an ideal time for afternoon nap, is it 1:00?
Also, we tend to go out after lunch and they have shorter naps in the car, this probably isn't helping. Should I try morning trips now?
Thanks so much fellow mamas.