For the past 4 nights my 7mo, Cammie, has woken and stayed awake for around two hours despite all attempts to help him go back to sleep.
I'm wondering if that's a classic sign of UT and I need to stretch his A times or cut his nap... or OT and I need to get him to bed earlier.
He is teething at the moment and very congested which bothers his sleep so maybe it is just that but surely he would be able to get back to sleep with help?
He has always seemed to be on the low end for sleep needs
and he hit the 3 hour A time well before 6 months. We are still doing 3 hours A or 3 hours 15 sometimes. He goes down for his two naps really easily and will sleep between 1.5 and 2 hours. (A couple of weeks ago I started waking him at 1.5 hours because he seemed to struggle to get to sleep at bedtime if he had more than 3 hours daytime sleep)
Our day then
7.30 Up, E - bottle of formula, followed by solids 30 mins later
10.30/10.45 S Max 2 hour sleep
12.45 E as above
3.45 S - 1 .5 hours
5.15 - solids
6.30 Bath, massage, bottle
7.45/8 S
Then, typically, he'll wake around the 10 mark if not earlier and DH and I will attempt to resettle him. We DF about 10.30 and continue trying to resettle him until he finally zonks out around 11/11.30pm. During that time he will start the process of going to sleep but then come to again and need more help. He is generally not a self-soother or self-settler (something to work on when he is well) but he can do it through the night sometimes and he was getting a lot more independent at going to sleep before the dreaded teething and a chest infection hit.
The past three nights have been good in that once he has managed to get to sleep with all this help he has then slept right through til 7 or 7.30 which is better than needing help at 3am as he has frequently done before (although for 15 mins NOT 2 hours)... so he CAN manage a long stretch of 8 hours.... best go cook tea! Thanks for any wise words!