This is very strange, and it is something that my 11 month old has done about 80% of his life! It's my second child, and I never had this problem with the first. I have the exact same nighttime routine with him every night, including giving him a bottle right before bed, after burping him. He goes right down without a fuss (I lay him down drowsy but not asleep) around 7-730p, and within the hour, he's awake crying. When we get him to sleep the second time, he ALWAYS sleeps until around 8am.
His naps during the day are 45 min - 1 hour, and sometimes I cannot get him down for an afternoon nap, so he only takes one, which doesn't seem like enough. He is close to walking, and FULL of energy, happy most of the time, and hardly shows signs of tiredness. So my problem is 2-fold:
1) The night waking after an hour of sleep
2) Is one nap a day enough?