Author Topic: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ  (Read 6047 times)

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Offline rzelunka

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How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« on: January 29, 2010, 03:23:44 am »
He is 24 months and has been on alimentum since 5months when we realized regular formula was causing him horrible eczema and reflux.

I have tried giving regular milk but he tends to get the bad eczema although the allergist swears he is not allergic to dairy.  I do not feel comfortable giving him milk when he does react with eczema even though he may not technically be allergic. 

He is also allergic to all nuts and soy from what we know so that rules our any soy milks or almond milks.

He is also 0% for weight and height so we cant try rice milk if it doesnt have good fat content.

What did you do - do i just keep him on allimentum forever...



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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 03:34:48 am »
Wow.....what do the doctors say to do? 

We weaned dd from the same formula at 13 months by adding cow's milk to the alimentum in 1/2 oz increments, waiting a week before we added more.

Dr Oz always raves about goats milk, and how it is alot easier to digest...he drinks it every day. I don't mean to sound silly, but when I saw him say that I have always remembered it. 


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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 19:00:02 pm »
It's true - coconut milk is a WONDERFUL substitute to beef up rice milk.  (What about oats?  oat milk is good too).

Regarding Goat milk, just be cautious as the protein strands seem to be very similar to cow's milk, so may have similar results.

However, I really think your dr should give you strict guidance on this due to his weight and height.  I believe there is like an Alimentum Jr. or hypoallergenic Toddler formula that is good for the next couple of years. 

Big (((hugs))).  I didn't wean off of a formula, but recently weaned of BF'ing and am doing a combination of almond milk and coconut milk.  HOWEVER, DD2 is in the 75% for weight, so I was fine experimenting.

 :-* :-* 


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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 19:01:07 pm »
ps - there is also a powdered mix or something that can be added to rice milk to fattening it up, but I'm not sure what it is....I believe Spectra used it...I'll PM her and ask,...


Offline Mashi

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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 19:29:12 pm »
However, I really think your dr should give you strict guidance on this due to his weight and height.  I believe there is like an Alimentum Jr. or hypoallergenic Toddler formula that is good for the next couple of years. 

I don't know much about Alimentum but Neocate does versions of formula that go all the way up to late childhood - different flavours and make-ups to suit the amounts of fat, calcium, etc that are needed at different stages of childhood.  Expensive though, if you are having to pay for it on your own.

MLK makes an "MSPI eggnog" - really have no clue what it is but her toddler is milk/soy intolerant at about 2ish years old. She's posted a recipe somewhere, I'll take a look!

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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2010, 19:46:55 pm »
MSPI Eggnog

Here's a drink I use that I've tried to make as close to cows' milk as possible. Not for babies under a year old.

1.5 cups coconut milk
1.5 cups rice or quinoa milk (commercial or homemade - recipe follows) or water
0.5-1 cup water
2 whole eggs or 3 egg yolks
*2 tbsp lactose powder (OR liquid glucose)
*1 tsp powdered calcium if not using calcium fortified rice/quinoa milk
1/2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla essence
nutmeg and/or cinnamon

* I get the lactose powder and calcium lactate powder from - they even ship overseas. You don't need to add the lactose powder but I was trying to get something as close to milk as possible. IF you can't get calcium powder you could crush calcium tablets.

Add coconut milk, rice/quinoa milk, lactose powder, powdered calcium (if using) and enough water to make the right consistency (more water is needed if using home made rice milk) to a saucepan and heat gently until warm, not boiling. In a heatproof bowl/jug, beat the eggs until well blended. SLOWLY pour the warm "milk" onto the eggs, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan over very low heat, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes. DO NOT BOIL or you will end up with scrambled eggs! Turn off the heat and add honey, vanilla and spices to taste. Strain and serve warm or cold.

Makes 4 servings. This amount lasts me for 2 days, stored in the fridge. My son drinks it cold!

Home made rice or quinoa milk

1/2 cup brown rice OR
1/2 cup quinoa, soaked overnight then rinsed several times
2 litres/8 cups water
pinch seasalt

Put rice or drained quinoa in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Skim any foam that rises to the top. Turn heat down to very low, cover and cook till very soft (1-2 hours). Add a pinch of sea salt then blend into a blender and strain. Any solid bits left after straining I add to fruit to make a breakfast porridge!

It all sounds complicated but once I made it a couple of times it got easier.

Original message is on the last page of this thread:


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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2010, 20:46:42 pm »
That recipe is awesome Mashi - thanks so much for finding and posting it!!   :-*

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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2010, 09:52:05 am »
If you are able to keep your ds on the formula for now I would due to his weight. My ds was on neocate advance untill around 2 months ago for all his milk due to weight, food allergies including dairy and a severe food aversion. Now that my ds is now making progress week by week and overcoming the food aversion we now give rice milk mostly and just make his weetabix with neocate advance for supper to make sure he is getting enough nutrition.

If there is a particular reason for wanting to come off the formula then I think you should get some medical quidance either form your son's gp or a dietician as you don't want his weight to drop more.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2010, 10:38:58 am »
My GI said no to goats milk with a cow's milk protein allergy.  He said the proteins were similar.

We weaned to rice/coconut milk at 12 months.  We pretty much just mixed the formula in with it until we were out of it.  Per 7 ounces, it was 5 ounces rice milk and 2 ounces coconut milk.  My LO started out BF, so we had to warm the formula and therefore warm the milk for a few weeks.  But we were eventually free of that.

Offline rzelunka

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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2010, 14:39:42 pm »
Thank you everyone for your advice.  We've been trying goat milk mixed with formula for the last week and so far so good.  Right now a 180ml bottle has approx 60ml of alimentum and no reaction so far!!  I can't do coconut milk because apparently the allergist thinks that it is in the nut family.  All of his dr's said it's time to wean him off alimentum so that's what i'm doing. 


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Re: How do i wean son off Alimentum Hypo Allergenic FormulaÉ
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2010, 01:20:10 am »
Glad to hear it's going well...!