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Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« on: January 29, 2010, 17:42:53 pm »
Well, we had our consultation with the allergist today.  He was very nice, took a very detailed history, and asked if I wanted the scratch test done today.  I figured we might as well since we were there anyway, and they're currently booking appointments into March so it would be a while before I could get it done again.  We did milk, egg yolk, egg white, peanut, dust mites (apparently a very common cause of eczema, which I didn't know) and orange.

Got a strong positive result for milk, as expected.  Got a weak positive for egg white (likely the cause of our Christmas morning reaction).  And finally, got a very strong positive for peanut, which was NOT expected.  He's never had peanut before, but has likely been exposed to it as DH and I are not very careful with it (for example, I'll be eating peanut butter toast while feeding D breakfast - he's not eating the pb, but likely is coming into contact with it).  They even redid the peanut scratch, and got another positive result, though weaker the second time.  *sigh*

Now we have to go in for blood tests.  Dr said that he normally doesn't like doing blood tests on children as young as D, but given that he is in a daycare setting he felt in necessary.  So we're blood testing for those 3 positive results, and also for mustard, which they didn't have available for the scratch test.  The only good news in this whole thing is that one of the other reasons he wanted blood tests was because children with eczema can react to scratch tests due to their sensitive skin - so he *may* not have a clinically significant allergy to the peanut or the egg, though he clearly does to the milk.  Also got prescribed 2 epi pens - one for with us and one for daycare - due to the severity of his reaction Christmas morning.

I don't know what I was expecting from this appointment, but am so disappointed.  I got results, but I still have to put D through more tests.  He was just so upset this morning, and now I have to do it to him again next week for the blood work.  Poor little monkey doesn't even understand what's going on :'(  I know so many others have it so much worse and feel guilty for being so upset over this, but I just hate putting him through all of this.  I just want him to be healthy.

Thanks for letting me cry a bit.
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

Offline malenka

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 17:49:52 pm »
Aww, poor little man! Keep in mind that as uncomfy as these tests are, they're going to give you some answers so that you can keep him healthy in the long run.

One other thing that might help you feel better is that allergies can change throughout a person's life. My eldest brother was allergic to all sorts of things when he was little, but he's grown out of them. This isn't always the case, but sometimes it happens.

Good luck with the other tests. Sending you (((hugs))) and a shoulder to cry on.

ps: Remember not to leave the epi pen in the car- it can freeze!
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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 18:54:20 pm »
Oh ((((big hugs))))). 

It stinks he has to get more testing, BUT very good to find out about the peanut now, instead of through a reaction as it could be very very serious.  I hope it was a false negative, but if not thank God it was found now. 

I felt similar when we had DD2 tested.  I knew she had several allergies - but to see it proved (and so many!) and I just felt deflated. 

One other thing that might help you feel better is that allergies can change throughout a person's life. My eldest brother was allergic to all sorts of things when he was little, but he's grown out of them. This isn't always the case, but sometimes it happens.

This is very true.  I could eat NOTHING for 2 years - could only tolerate soy formula, and after 2 it was like a light switch turned off and I was fine.  And with DD2 we are seeing a very similar pattern, she has soooo many food allergies/intolerances, and now at almost 18 months has grown out of almost all of them. 

We're here for can be upsetting, but having support makes such a big difference.

 :-* :-*

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 19:01:47 pm »
just want to pop in with some big hugs Vikki {{{{{{}}}}}}
I would feel the same...
Hope the blood tests give you a clearer picture. :-*
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 19:21:54 pm »
Oh Vikki!! Sorry to hear you are feeling so down and deflated about this!

First thing -- Dylan IS healthy!  Allergies are not unhealthy, they are just .... allergies! Difficult to live with and hard to manage sometimes, but he will be ok!

Next, as pps above have said, I too have grown into and out of allergies my whole life. I know the peanut allergy is upsetting, but society is becoming much more aware of it now and it is easier to live with than say 5 years ago.   I think that he showed a weaker reaction the second time is very interesting.  I do know that there are some paediatric allergists in the US who have started treating peanut allergy in the same way as environmental allergies are treated....tiny bits of exposure to the allergen continually, until the body builds up a tolerance to it.  Same principle as getting allergy shots (which I had to endure for most of my teenage years!) It's controversial, because while getting a shot of cat dander in your arm is probably only enough to cause some itching, peanut allergy is more fatal, as we all know. But the allergist who have been doing it say that it is no different principle behind it, just that no one has ever had the courage to do it before. They are using such micro-quantities of the peanut serum to start out with and soooo slowly increasing it that they can be cautious.  I just think that this means there is hope for developments in it over the next years, as 18 years ago when I had my first skin test done, they REFUSED to even TEST for food allergies because the results could be so fatal!

Next thing...I now feel disgustingly old as I've just typed out the words "18 years ago" in relation to an event that I remember as clear as if it were yesterday!  I was 16....and I am now 34. So that really honestly was 18 years ago.  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE???? 

Next....good news that your allergist seems to be so on top of things!  I think it's a great sign that he's acting so quickly, always a good sign in my books that you have a doctor who is on your side and working with you!

And, finally - I do know how you feel about blood work.  The paed when we moved to Germany called to tell me our insurance provider wanted blood tests done if they were going to pay for DS's Neocate and I refused. I said I would rather trial him on milk FIRST and see with my own eyes that he was still reacting before I put him through blood tests. BUT he was 4 months younger than Dylan is now, and at the end of the day it is really only marginally worse than a vaccination, right? He'll be okay - and even if he's not at the time, he will be 4 minutes later when he has forgotten about it.  Take someone with you for moral support, though!!

Lots of hugs in the meantime and we are all here for you xxxx

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2010, 19:55:48 pm »
(((HUGS))) Vikki, I would be disappointed too.  But it's a good thing to get it out of the way and at least you will know.   :-*
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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2010, 20:58:15 pm »
I do know that there are some paediatric allergists in the US who have started treating peanut allergy in the same way as environmental allergies are treated....tiny bits of exposure to the allergen continually, until the body builds up a tolerance to it.  Same principle as getting allergy shots (which I had to endure for most of my teenage years!) It's controversial, because while getting a shot of cat dander in your arm is probably only enough to cause some itching, peanut allergy is more fatal, as we all know. But the allergist who have been doing it say that it is no different principle behind it, just that no one has ever had the courage to do it before. They are using such micro-quantities of the peanut serum to start out with and soooo slowly increasing it that they can be cautious. 

Yes.  Actually my friend's daughter has been in a huge study at Johns Hopkins University.  She is anaphalytic (sp) to milk and they started with microscopic amounts - she reacted the first few times, like needed the epi-pen reaction.  The last I heard she is up to 1/8th of a teaspoon of milk with NO reaction.  It's incredible. 

Oh, and Mashi is so right on - Dylan IS healthy.  That is SO important to remember.   :-* 

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 03:07:32 am »
Thank you all so much for the hugs and support, sorely needed today :-*  And thank you Mashi and Tari for reminding me that Dylan is healthy - it's funny how you're perspective changes when you're upset.  I have tons of environmental allergies (basically a sneezy, itchy, wheezy, watery-eyed mess from April through October ::)) but I consider myself a healthy person.  Funny how you look at things differently when it's your child instead of yourself, kwim?

And that is so interesting about the treatments they're developing for allergies - and so incredible about your friend Tari!  To think that someone with a deadly allergy could begin to tolerate the allergen is just wild.  Though I am first hoping for a false positive, and next for him to grow out of it ;) it's nice to know that treatment options are growing by the day.

I now feel disgustingly old as I've just typed out the words "18 years ago" in relation to an event that I remember as clear as if it were yesterday!
And finally, thanks for making me laugh Mashi!  Definitely needed that :)
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2010, 03:09:43 am »
hiya vikki :) just wanted to drop off some hugs and praying for the best for little one:):)

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2010, 03:22:32 am »
{{{hugs}}} Vikki...we just got booked in for Spencer's appt with an allergist for the end of March and was thinking of Dylan and saw your post!   

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2010, 09:40:01 am »
My ds is 5 and he had his first lot of blood taken at 11 months for allergy tests and he really did not mind. I have to say though the nurse taking it was very experienced and the nurse assisting held his arm still while I talked to James and it was over pretty quickly. James has since had 3 more RAST tests done and has always been really good. We have always had the same nurse which helps and James is a brave little man and even likes to watch but then I always watched when getting vaccinations when at school.

I am sure your ds will do well and no matter what the results are at least you will be prepared which is the most important thing when it comes to allergies.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2010, 12:17:55 pm »
Thanks again everyone :)

We had the blood tests yesterday, and they went better then expected. He frealed out as soon as I layed him on the bed (of course) but the nurse doing it was slick. He was crying, but his cry didn't change in pitch or intensity when she stuck the needle in, so I know she didn't hurt him at least. In fact, I was singing twinkle twinkle to try and distract him, but stopped when we were done. I picked him up and hugged him and kissed him and told him he was brave, then he touched my lips and signed 'more'. I thought he wanted more kisses but realized that he wanted more singing! Probably the only one in the world who would ;) So, all's well, just waiting for results now, which will take a couple weeks.

That's great that you got Spencer's appointment Heidi! Did you put yourself on a cancellation list? That's how Dylan got in so early - our original appointment was March, but they called back within hours of making it because they had a cancallation for Jan 29. Might be worth a try if you want to get her in sooner :)
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2010, 12:43:01 pm »
Really glad to hear he was so good during the appt Vikki.  Fingers crossed for the results. xx

My Ds is the same with the singing, always asking for more when you were only doing it to distract him!  It's quite funny!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2010, 13:00:12 pm »
That's great that he was so good! fingers crossed here too. I didn't go on the cancellation list, much as I want to get the tests done, I know I won't be able to get a day off work last minute anytime soon and the appt I got is during my week off.

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Re: Back from the allergist - disappointing news :(
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2010, 13:16:46 pm »
Vikki, dropping off LOADS of ((((hugs)))) for you. Sorry the news wasn't what you expected  :-[