Hi there,
((hugs)). Oatmeal is actually not that uncommon an allergen. My DD2 was allergic to it (and is now downing tons of it!). I wouldn't touch anything with gluten if that's what your dr is recommending, however there are many many more things that contain gluten than just the grains - so make sure you get a list (I can find one, but short on time and will come back).
Yes - you can test for wheat without ingesting it. They can do a blood test, a prick test (where they do a tiny prick in the skin and put a little bit of the allergen on/in it) or a patch test (where it's taped to the back for 2 days and then you monitor results). It won't confirm celiac, a biopsy would have to do that, but it could alert you to any allergens. The biggest thing is elimination and reintroduction - which it appears you've done and that's been a huge help fo your lo.
Just a side note - oatmeal doesn't truly have gluten in it, but has been catagorized that way due to cross contamination issues.
I have to run, but will be back later.
((hugs)) How is your LO doing now with eating other foods? (oh, and yes I would avoid all cereals right now - they really aren't that important in his diet, more practice, you can get lots of nutrients from rice, fruits/veggies, etc...)