Author Topic: stopped eating after trying oat cereal  (Read 1286 times)

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Offline mini_egg282

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stopped eating after trying oat cereal
« on: January 30, 2010, 02:55:30 am »
My lo started getting fussy after having oat cereal the first time (at 5 1/2 months), and then started refusing the bottle. I practically had to force feed him for a few weeks as he was losing weight. We didn't realize the correlation between the feeding problems and trying oats for the first time, so we tried again a month later and had the same reaction. It seems to take about 4 weeks before his eating goes back to normal. He lost 3 pounds the second time around :(

Now we know it's important to avoid giving him oats since he has such a severe reaction, but I'm not sure if it's only the oats or if it might be gluten, or a wheat allergy. Should we bother trying other cereals, like barley? We have been playing it safe so far and keeping away from anything with gluten but it would be really helpful to know exactly what he is sensitive to as he will be starting daycare in a couple of months...He can't be tested for celiac disease because he would have to eat a gluten rich diet for 6 weeks first and we just can't do that to him.

Our doctor just said to avoid all gluten just incase, but do we have any alternatives? Can he be tested for some allergies, like wheat, without having to eat it?


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Re: stopped eating after trying oat cereal
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2010, 13:26:22 pm »
Hi there,

((hugs)).  Oatmeal is actually not that uncommon an allergen.  My DD2 was allergic to it (and is now downing tons of it!).  I wouldn't touch anything with gluten if that's what your dr is recommending, however there are many many more things that contain gluten than just the grains - so make sure you get a list (I can find one, but short on time and will come back).

Yes - you can test for wheat without ingesting it.  They can do a blood test, a prick test (where they do a tiny prick in the skin and put a little bit of the allergen on/in it) or a patch test (where it's taped to the back for 2 days and then you monitor results).  It won't confirm celiac, a biopsy would have to do that, but it could alert you to any allergens.  The biggest thing is elimination and reintroduction - which it appears you've done and that's been a huge help fo your lo.  

Just a side note - oatmeal doesn't truly have gluten in it, but has been catagorized that way due to cross contamination issues.

I have to run, but will be back later.

((hugs))  How is your LO doing now with eating other foods?  (oh, and yes I would avoid all cereals right now - they really aren't that important in his diet, more practice, you can get lots of nutrients from rice, fruits/veggies, etc...)

xo :-* :-*

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Re: stopped eating after trying oat cereal
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2010, 10:42:02 am »
I was going to say the same as the PP and also add that you can just go with fruits and veggies for a long time.  Having a LO with a wheat intolerance, I wish that I had stayed away from grains initially.  With my 2nd, I am going to wait to introduce them.