Author Topic: waking every hour for the second part of the night then overtired! what to do??  (Read 1566 times)

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Offline carrienuwave

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My 9 week old daughter who used to only wake up once at night now wakes up every hour after her night feeding.
we have been trying to put her on EASY but it has not been that successful since she has  a hard time taking naps during the day. she will only sleep in our arms.if we put her down, she usually wakes up within 30 minutes. my guess is that she might be overtired. here is an exemple of her old patern..

7pm        E A (bath)
10pm      S
10:30pm wakes up
11pm      S
3:30am   E (bf+formula)
5:30am   S
8:30am   EA
11am      S (sometimes)
12:30pm  EA
and the rest of the day is a big blurr, sometimes she sleep sometimes not. she ends up sleeping in the afternoon when i take her out for a walk. which sometimes lasts around 3 hours.

now here is whats been happening in the past week.
6:30pm   E A (bath)
9:30pm   S
10pm      wakes up
10:30pm S
2:30am   E (bf) and falls asleep
3:45am   E (bf+formula)
5am        S
6am        wakes up but wont really eat ends up falling asleep on the breast
8am        ''   ''      ''     ''     ''    ''      ......
and for the rest of the day, she' s very hard to get to sleep. it never lasts any longer than 45 minutes unless she is being carried around.

i wish i could take her for a walk right now! but it's too cold out.. and i even wonder if that kind of sleep is as good as when lying in bed..?
she is a pretty good baby. quite easy to read but so hard to put to sleep! arggg. she will sometimes wake having a hard time swallowing or looking like something is stuck in her  digestive track, arching her back... reflux??

I feel like there is something i am not doing properly..
This is all new to me... HELP!

Thank you!

Offline carrienuwave

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I forgot to mention we have been cosleeping since she was born.
when we re not trying trying to put her to sleep responding to her yawns, fussiness and eye rubbing, her A is tummy time or watching her surroundings or just being happy and smiley..
lately she has been spitting up a lot or seems uninterested in eating when showing signs of hunger. Could it also be due to overtiredness? I believe this is a vicious circle. not enough sleep, cant focus on anything, hungry but wont eat, never looks satisfied about anything, looks annoyed with something, fights her sleep, finally falls asleep  and most of the time wakes up fidgetting, smiling, not swallowing properly or having to poo!
what can i do to calm her down and stop her every hour waking in the second part of the night? something tells me she just wants to suck and we finally started giving her a pacifier when she seems restless at bed time, it helps i must say but not quite enough.
she is being breastfed but mostly formula fed.

Offline carrienuwave

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and if she is asleep around the time i would usually bathe her, should i do it later or just forget about it?wouldn't it mess with the routine idea?? what to do??

Offline Tweakster

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Hi there, big big big hugs!  A lot of what you are describing does sound like reflux.  Have you discussed this with your doc?  The trouble swallowing, the arching, the bad sleep, spitting up, hungry but can't/won't's all very familiar to me, a reflux mummy :-)

Have a look here:

We need to explore this reflux angle before we can get her on a routine.
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Offline carrienuwave

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could reflux be a consequence of not sleeping enough??
she has been catching up on her sleep in the past few days and is bck to only waking up once at night! woohoo! hope it lasts!  she'll sleep for 6ish hours and up for 1h30 and back to sleep for another 2h30ish. not bad i guess. that said we have been persistent on the routine idea and she seems to be getting it more, now that she is a bit more rested. still, everytime we put her to sleep, she wakes after 30 minutes exactly? any idea why that is?

Offline Tweakster

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Hi there, normally not sleeping is the consequence of reflux.  If LO is in discomfort from reflux, they don't sleep as well.  Finn had reflux and we had really good was our days and naps that were bad.  But normally poor sleep isn't the only sign of reflux.

30 min naps tend to mean LO is overtired - OT - not being put down to nap at the correct A time.  If your NW are better and you need help with naps, it's worth a post on the Naps board with your routine.  There are ways to help extend LO's naps.
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Offline carrienuwave

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Hi Wendy! we have been making an effort to put her to sleep at the first sign of tiredness. it has made a huge difference! she know falls asleep on her own and sometimes right after eating and she'll sleep for longer. she might also be growing right now. seems like growth spurts signs ? her reflux issue has been much better. thats why i was asking how much sleep and reflux and related. she ahs been a lot more relaxed over all.

Offline Tweakster

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Hi there, that's great news.  It definitely helps if you catch them in the 'sleep window'.  Growth spurts always made Finn extra tired.  He would pull some nice 2 hr naps...that's when I knew he was in one because otherwise his naps were either short or 1.5 hrs to the minute.  Let us know how it goes.
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