Hi Jane!
My LO has just turned 7 months. Unfortunately I've never done a dream feed (which is probably the problem I think). At 2 months he slept through from 7:30 to 5am and I figured he didn't need it (he was always a big, hearty baby!). I think I'm regretting that now!
He has two lower teeth already but I haven't seen any real signs of teething discomfort lately. Occasionally he stirs in the early part of the evening lately but can put himself back to sleep through it. Last night he woke up crying at around 9:30pm and didn't seem to settle back down so I went in and picked him up (to start PU/PD) and as soon as I laid him back down the first time he was ok and settled himself (but we were at my mom's - so different surroundings). I figure at home he probably would have settled himself. btw...this morning his wake-up was at 5:30. I left him for 20 min to see if he would settle but he was getting pretty upset so I went in and tried to nurse him the one side in the dark (to see if I could put him back down again like I can when he wakes up earlier) but he was having no part of that. Cried until I fed him the second side and was up and wide awake at that point: 6am.
This was our day yesterday:
4:30 am wake-up and nurse one side and back to sleep
6:45 am wake-up nurse both sides
8:00 solids
9:00 sleep (this was only a 1/2 hr cuz we were in the car on our way to nana's house - he can't seem to sleep longer than 1/2 hr in the car now...but at home lately this nap has been much better 1:15 to 1:30 most of the time)
9:30 wake
11:00 nurse
12:00 solids
12:30 sleep (slept for 2.5 hours yesterday)
3:00 nurse
6:00 solids (usually do this at 5:00 or 5:30 but we were out and about with Nana)
6:15 bath, nurse, book, bed
7:00 down but fussed with a session of PU/PD and asleep at 7:30
9:30 brief rise and back to sleep with 1 PU/PD by me
5:30 am wake this morning