he woke up around 6.30 this morning, so I think that was less than an 11hr night since he didnt fully settle till well gone 8 last night, he kept briefly waking up.
PM nap wasnt too successful unfortunately
A friend came over just before I was going to put him down (she was supposed to come earlier), I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it since essentially he was in bed at about the right time, we just had to keep the winddown rather short. anyway he didnt settle for half an hour, and then only slept an hour. OT by the time he fell asleep of course
so I'm going to need to give him a slightly earlier bedtime tonight and hope for a better day tomorrow-a birthday present for his mummy
I think I may have gone a bit over 20min this morning-not sure if that played a part in it too. I probably need to be more vigilant about those 20min.