Author Topic: 9 month night waking  (Read 873 times)

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Offline argella

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9 month night waking
« on: February 05, 2010, 01:23:45 am »
Our dd is waking many times at night at 9 months.  we have successfully used the pu/pd method to stop breastfeeding her to sleep but are still having trouble with night wakings.  We are still dreamfeeding her since I have gone back to work and we don't think she is getting enough milk during the day but the time between dreamfeeds seems to be getting shorter!!

Here is our schedule. 

5:30 wake up -breast feed and lay down to sleep
6:30 wake up
7-7:30 breakfast and breastfeed
9:00 nap
10:00 wake up
10:30 snack
12:00  lunch - veggies and cereal and breastfeed
2:00 nap - if my husband lies down with her she will sleep for 2 hrs.  If not then only for 1 hour
3:30 snack and Activity
5:00 Dinner - veggies, cereal and breastfeed
7:00 sleep (goes to sleep very easily)
9:00 wakes up wanting milk
12:30 dreamfeed or wakes up
3:00 dreamfeed or wakes up

I'm worried that if I stop dreamfeeding her  she won't be getting enough bm.  Thoughts?  It would be great to only feed her once a night but I'm not sure when or how to do this so she doesn't expect it at other times.  Also, my husband is sleeping on a mattress next to her and when she wakes up and isn't hungry she still needs him to say 'go to sleep'.  This was the alternative to bf but I'm afraid we are now creating another bad habit.

Thanks for any thoughts.

Offline Tweakster

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Re: 9 month night waking
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 21:49:59 pm »
Hi there, it sounds like it's a sleep association that might need to be broken. 
You might consider using GW - it's a bit gentler method to break a comfort habit:

There might also be something helpful in here:

The tweaking never stops!

Offline brenda2

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Re: 9 month night waking
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2010, 23:57:34 pm »
the df is only meant to be done once around 10 or 11pm , tracey says in her book if you do it later than this it can cause them to wake more often in the night.  are you doing it more than that because you want to avoid feeding her to sleep?  i would do only 1 df at 10.

she may be not feeding well in the day because you are feeding her too much at night.  i was having a terrible time feeding my lo in the day because i was feeding her al night - sometimes 4 or more bfs overnight.  when i stopped all the nightfeeds she started feeding much better during the day.  you lo will not starve herself.  if you stop feeding her at night she will make up for it by feeding during the day.  at this age one night feed (the df) should be enough.

sounds like you have a few props going on which may be why she's waking.