Ds is on a routine that works for him and goes to sleep quite easily but he goes to bed at 6pm and wakes at 5am. It was fine when he was younger, it gave us time to spend with dd after 6pm but now that he is older (almost 6 months) we want to spend more time with him and the early wake is killing me.
Here is what a typical day looks like-
5am- wake and bf
5-6:30- plays and sings in his bed, if dh is up early for work he will take him downstairs to play.
6:30-8 nap
8:00 bf followed by activity time
10-10:45 nap
11:00 bf followed by activity time
12:30-1:15 nap
2:00 bf followed by activity time
3:00-3:30 catnap in stroller as we go pick up dd from JK (cannot be avoided or altered)
4:00 bf (a cluster feed)
5:45 bf (a cluster feed)
6:00 sleep, goes down awake, does not fuss, usually asleep within 10 minutes.
He goes from 6pm-5am without a wake on some nights, on other nights he will wake 1-2 extra times and I feed him whenever he wakes because he has bad reflux so I don't know what stays in his tummy. His naps are all short except the first one, but his days are very consistent and he is an exceptionally happy baby even with the short naps and never acts or looks tired, rarely wakes up crying. If I try to put him down past 6pm he acts too tired, his eyes look tired and he rubs his nose and eyes like crazy and is hard to settle.
I need to delay his 5am wake but I understand he is waking because of his early bedtime. How do I adjust? Keep in mind that his 3-3:30 catnap cannot be adjusted due to picking up my dd from JK.