Author Topic: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued  (Read 57027 times)

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #225 on: March 19, 2010, 21:55:48 pm »
Tao - i would shorten the following A time to only 3 hours, thats all Caleb could do after a 30min nap

for us we had a 10 hour n ight, so up at 5.35am!!!! i did WI/WO for an hour to try and get him back to sleep, it just didnt happen. the issue is that he does these early wakings on two naps, but i cant get a one nap day in with an early waking to every day, if i did one nap today then his bedtime would be about 4.30pm! how the heck do i get it back to a decent wake up time? he still does the same amount of day sleep with two naps as he does with one (1.5 hours) but i think its the whole "2 sleeps" thing thats doing it

Offline marlowsmom

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #226 on: March 19, 2010, 23:49:48 pm »
Hi Ladies!   I just started my long journey of the dreaded 2-1 transition.    I've been putting it off until DST so I could use that hour forward to my advantage.   I hung most of my hopes on DST but I knew that I shouldn't get too excited.   

I'm looking forward to getting to know those of you that I haven't already met.   I see lots of familiar names. 

Marlow just turned one about a week ago and she has been having fun with middle of the night crib parties and EW.  Fun Fun Fun.    I'm going to get busy reading some posts here so I'll chat more later.

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #227 on: March 20, 2010, 01:31:42 am »
Calebsmummy, on the 2 nap days, what is your last A time? I find that Caleb can do much longer A's now, especially that we've gotten him used to LOOOOONG A times due to the one nap days and like you say, they sleep better on those nights. What if you streched out his last A time on a 2 nap day and made his bedtime later, like 9 ish ( i know, it sucks cause you've got no evening time to yourself, but it's just for one or two nights) and then, even if he had a short night(say 10 hours or something like that), it would still bring you to 7am  and then from there, you can do a one nap day and hopefully move forward from there..kwim? That is, of course, if he cooperates and does a good pm nap, where you can easily keep him up afterwards for a good 4-5 hours.
  Marlowsmom, welcome and a special welcome to the "crib party comittee" from me!! My lo is an expert in the crib party field!! Hoping he'll give them up someday...ughhh, his lasts for up to 2 hours!! Speaking of which, i think someone (gavinsmum1 or nauvoo06, sorry my memory is foggy and tired!!) mentionned that they were also having crib party issues and wanted to ask me if i had ever figured out the cause behind ours.....well, the answer to that is not really, but i've got some theories.....definitely UT related, and most likely associated with too short A times, especially when we do 2 naps, cause then the A times get cut short in effort to prevent having too long of a day. So, i'm hoping that when we're comfortably on one nap that the crib parties will be over.....well, i can dream anyways!

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #228 on: March 20, 2010, 02:02:51 am »
Ugh jo, I was thinking the same thing about puttin him to bed later after the second night. I'm still confused though, yesterday he did 4.26 hour A time and fought me while reading his story then went to sleep fine but woke at 1 hour, today DH did 4 hour 40mins  A time wayching for tired cues (he said he was yawning) then Caleb went to sleep with no fuss but woke up at 50mins ! So he's been up since 11am! Which means I have to do a second nap. I'm out to the movies tonight so can't keep Caleb up later (DH isn't as keen on the same idea) sigh what's with these blasted A times!!

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #229 on: March 20, 2010, 10:56:16 am »
Hi Jo, Wendy, Marlowsmum and everyone!

Weeeeelllll.....after yesterday's long am short pm, bed was at 7.20pm and wake up at 6.20am...with NO NW!!!! What the?! : 0
In the past, when we are having good sleep periods, DS does 11 to 11.5 hrs a night. Hasn't often done 12 ever.

Interestingly we have started to give DS homeopathic teething granules ( In UK, Weleda chamomila granules)  during the day and that has cut the NW down to 1 or 2 but last nights success must be down to the switch in naps...?

The longest nap yesterday was actually more like 1 hr 15 rather than 1 hr and the short one was 45 mins. DS is getting more confident with his walking and very rarely crawls now so that must be using up more energy too I suppose.

Sending you all good luck vibes for todays naps and tonights sleeps..and Jo...lets "pray" that Church tmrw doesn't mess our LO's  days up too much...iykwim ; )


Nell xxx
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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #230 on: March 20, 2010, 11:11:10 am »
haha Nell, yep thats waht i will be doiing! praying!! if he has an early waking again it will be very interesting trying to get a nap in at church!

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #231 on: March 20, 2010, 13:03:07 pm »
Joining the cot/crib party crew - we are having a grand ole time here in London.  My DS is quite the party-er lately.. lol.  ::)  He's been throwing parties from 5-6:30am.  We've had some parties in the past but never as consistent as now.  I definitely think UT related.  We're experimenting with his 1 nap and I think I just have his 2nd A time wrong.  I'm thankful that he is taking a nice long nap on 1 nap days but it is wrecking havoc on his nights - just 10hrs on 1 nap days - yikes!  I think for us I either have to cut his nap a bit shorter or give a later bedtime.. but I'm a total chicken with either approach!

Offline marlowsmom

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #232 on: March 20, 2010, 15:05:21 pm »
Hi Ladies,

I've noticed with Marlow that if she is getting a short AM nap then I will have a EW the next morning.     The last two days she's had a short AM and the last two morning have resulted in EW.   Those EW are getting earlier and earlier.   Before DST we were doing short am (20min) long pm (1.5 hr) for a while.   DST came around, we jumped ahead an hour and I tried one nap.   The first day she slept 2.5 hours, next day 1.5 hours and I got a crib party.    So now I'm flipping between 2 naps days and 1 nap days to see what happens.     I should give her 1 nap today but she woke at 545am and now at 945am she is so tired she's walking around crying.    I caved and gave her a 20 min nap then I'll aim for a long pm later.   

So if I give her a short AM/ long pm I get EW. 
 If I give her one nap I get crib party NW.   
If I push for a later bedtime I get either a NW or EW.   
If I put her to bed early I will most defiantly get a EW. 

 I have to choose the lesser of four evils.    For now I've chosen the short am/Long PM.   Either way she still has a NW for a bottle b/c she not eating enough to keep her sustained through the night.   

Nell- I know that Wendy's LO, Finn, likes to have crib parties and EW too. 

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #233 on: March 20, 2010, 18:36:35 pm »
 Just wondering what  your LO's do during their crib parties?? Mostly playing, or fussing, wanting you, etc?? Caleb plays quite a bit and laughs and giggles at **something**, on the left of his room?? LOL!! I swear, he has imaginary friends already!! LOL!!

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #234 on: March 20, 2010, 20:24:31 pm »
DS sits up and claps his hands, lots and lots of chatting, plays with his blanket (peek-a-boo) etc.  No fussing, crying and thankfully seems perfectly content to play by himself.  Parties have been lasting about an hour and a half before we get him up.  I got some good advice today on main toddler board that the 5am wake-up after 10hrs is actually O/T.  So I've cut his A before bed to 4.5hrs and have fingers crossed for anything over 10hrs tonight!

Offline marlowsmom

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #235 on: March 20, 2010, 21:31:38 pm »
Flightmommy- Lately Marlow has been chatting, playing with her blanket and laughing.    After about 20 minutes she wants out.

Mstrboo- Good to know.   Marlow did 10 hrs last night and EW.   Luckily she had a solid 1.5 hour pm nap and a 20 min am.    She woke at 3pm and I plan on putting her to bed no later than 730pm.

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #236 on: March 20, 2010, 22:59:04 pm »
Well it looks fun in here, I have to catch up.  Today was Finn's big party, 40 people, was I out of my mind...15+ kids and there is food all over I don't even know where to start.  And even though he napped ok he's still overtired and has been for a few days, his nose is running AGAIN - I think it's totally his teeth again, why won't they just come through already...why is it taking 4 mths??!

And still with the 10 hours at night no matter what we do in the day. 

Daycare starts on Monday, I'll be here for some moral support I'm sure.

Take heart ladies, the only way from here is up!
The tweaking never stops!

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #237 on: March 20, 2010, 23:10:49 pm »
Wendy, our molars are taking one month so far, i hung him upside down just before and i can see half teeths hanging out of his gums, they are just taking forever!

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #238 on: March 21, 2010, 01:22:48 am »
hmm, hanging upside down....good idea Jo!!  LOL!!Never thought of that one, but will try it for's impossible to get a look in there otherwise!!

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Re: Toddler Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition Continued
« Reply #239 on: March 21, 2010, 01:51:21 am »
Oh I know, it's the only way I get to see I side his mouth, he laughs when I do it so his mouth is wide open and I get a great view, he's actually got three molars coming in but it's the top two that are actually cutting.

Well ladies I pushed Caleb to 4 hours and 50 mins, so far he's been asleep 1.5 hours and hasn't woke up yet!!!!!! I'm stoked!!!!