Ahhh! Don't know what to do for Sophie anymore. She has a thirty minute a.m. nap after almost 4 hours of morning A time, but I can't get her to go down for p.m. nap, even after 3 hours of A, 3.5 hours of A or 3.75 hours of A. Do I just keep pushing the afternoon A? If so, I get close to having to create a very late BT.
I am so close to just biting the bullet and doing one nap as it seems that her A times are so high now (although 5 hours of A does seem to be a bit too much for her.)
Not sure what to do at this point...
Also, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a change in the way your LO goes down for naps and BT as they get older? DD is now 11 months and 1 week old and our wind down routine doesn't seem to be working the same anymore. Before I would be able to do bath, nurse, walk around the dinner table for 5 minutes, story, nurse until really calm and then into bed awake. Now, when I try to plop her down after this wind down, she stands up and starts to scream. Not sure if it's SA...has anyone else experienced this?