Is there anyone else that just wants to let out a primal scream at this 2-1 nonsense?!?!
I'm just sooooo fed up right now. After 3 weeks of fabulous 1 nap days, long nights with an occasional NW, we are back in a mucky situation. I made the mistake of trying to have a few 2 nap days to catch up on some OT as my lo naps got shorter and shorter and he was waking just a little earlier every day. Well, it hasn't improved things. We are at 15.5 months and it is not getting easier!!! Today he woke at 6, put him down for a nap just before noon and he slept an hour. OT for sure, but I couldn't have worked it out any differently with my eldest needing to be picked up from preschool. When you're in a mess like this, is it better to just plunk a nap in around noon EVERY day and hope for the best, or should I start from scratch and shorten that A time to catch up on OT and then start moving the nap forward again? Three weeks ago we were doing this:
wake between 7 and 7:30
nap 12:30 or 12:45- 2:00 or 2:15
bedtime 7:30ish
That is ideal!!! I know teething has sent us for a loop, but how do I fix this? Jesse's getting up almost 2 hours earlier than my 3 year old, who, by the way, is actually getting more sleep than my 1 year old. FRUSTRATING!
Sorry, for the vent. I'm sorry to see that I'm not the only one that's having a rough time with naps. I really wish there was this magic formula that produces wonderful naps and night sleeps. I thought it was going to be easier with the second baby, but I actually appreciate how smoothly things went with my first now that I'm going through it a second time and it's a royal nightmare.