Who thought getting ds1 (2.5) to sleep in his own bed would be so damn hard. I have quite simply had enough and I truly don't know what to do anymore. Everytime we try he just gets so hysterical he is hyperventilating so bad. All you have to do is mention sleeping in his own bed and he starts to get anxious and starts whimpering and biting his hand. If I just put his pillow on his own bed when I make the beds he starts crying and crying.
Last night I thought, right because he's so anxious, instead of letting him cry it out or anything I'll try to get him sleeping in there with me right by his side because at this stage just having him wake up in his own bed would be a major step forward. So last night we both went to bed in his bed. 1am comes and he is still not asleep, he's tossing and turning and whimpering, even with me right there with my arm round him. 1:30am he starts to scream hysterically, and is very soon hyperventilating. I am still right there with my arm round him, I haven't left him at all. Try for half an hour to settle him and he just keeps hyperventilating. 2:00am I give up, take us both back into my bed. He takes a further hour before he is calm enough to settle to go to sleep. I had to be up half an hour later to feed ds2.
So in the end I didn't get to go to sleep till 4am was up at 6:30am with ds2 and ds1 still didn't sleep in his own bed. I just don't know what to do??? I am so out of ideas?? I am so over having him in my bed and him refusing to go to sleep until I do. I need at least an hour a night kid free, I am going crazy!!! He's 2.5 years old it's not supposed to be this difficult anymore!