Author Topic: 7 month waking for feed during night  (Read 1089 times)

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Offline lobs

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7 month waking for feed during night
« on: February 06, 2010, 10:31:39 am »
Our LO is still waking for a feed during the night and has a full bottle but I suspect that this is because he is not having enough during the day and we have fallen into accidental parenting and given him a bottle on a night.  He is a good sleeper during the night generally only waking once and having a bottle before going back to sleep usually around 3.30am-4.00am.  I would like to try and cut down on the night feed but struggle to get milk into him during the day therefore do you think I should do this gradually and dilute his milk to see if this does the trick.

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Offline tanya032009

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Re: 7 month waking for feed during night
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 13:08:53 pm »
Hi there-- is your LO fully bottle fed? You mention that you struggle to get milk into him during the so?

I have a 7mos old and still wakes for feedings, but he is EBF, so I think that is a different ballgame alltogether. THe folks over in the bottlefeeding section might also be able to help! Is he taking a full feed at night? Does he always wake around the same time?


Offline lobs

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Re: 7 month waking for feed during night
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2010, 23:43:58 pm »
Yes he is totally bottle fed and during day will take a few ounces in the morning and a few in the afternoon but is not bothered.  During the night he has a full bottle and it varies really what time he wakes anytime from 3am to 5am and drinks a full bottle. 

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Re: 7 month waking for feed during night
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2010, 23:51:30 pm »
I would like to try and cut down on the night feed but struggle to get milk into him during the day therefore do you think I should do this gradually and dilute his milk to see if this does the trick.

yes this is a good idea.  dilute the bottle so he is taking fewer calories and he should start to make up for it during the day.  just keep cutting back how much you give him at night until he's not really taking anything and then replace that feed with pupd.  alternatively you could do a df - have you ever tried this?  do a df at 10pm and do pupd if he wakes at the regular 3 am time for a feed.  then you just move the df earlier until it is gone.  my lo was impossible to feed during the day, she would hardly eat anything because she knew i would feed her all night.  when i cut out the nightfeeds she started eating much better during the day.  i did it all at once but if you're not comfortable with a cold turkey approach then diluting the bottle or the df will work.