well i think you are right, something more is going on, at his nighttime bottle he passed wind in copious amounts, then woke at 10pm so i gave him some Brauers Stomach calm, he passed more wind and wouldnt go back to sleep, he was almost inconsolable (i think giving him the meds woke him up completely) nothing would help him go back to sleep, we drove in the car for 30mins to calm him down and hope that he would go back to sleep, nope, he cried as soon as we got hom and put him to bed, i tried feeding him a bottle as that worked once or twice before, nope, he cried and cried and cried, for an hour and a half, then when he finally fell asleep he woke up 2 more times every 20mins, again it was wind and i had to rub his back to help him sleep, then he woke up at 3.30am but put himself back to sleep and was up at 6.30am for the day, hes right miserable still and i think i know what it is, i gave him soy milk in his morning bottle for the past two days and it looks like he just cant tolerate it in such large amounts yet, ive been giving him soy milk in his breakfast cereal since he was about 8 months old and hes been fine so i thought it would be ok to do, even his Ped said to try it so looks like it has certainly made the situation worse, i know he was having the short naps before i gave him the soy milk but i think this has worsened it all.