Author Topic: Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)  (Read 2263 times)

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Offline Shushu

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Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)
« on: February 11, 2010, 03:45:56 am »
Dear ladies,

Hi! For some reason, i cannot use the search function and it's rather difficult to find if there's any thread on Travelling Tips here. Apologies first of all.

My husband & I will be taking the baby (5mth) for a trip home with the plane this weekend.

I am still breast-feeding but am expressing milk to be given to her in the bottle. I have searched in the website of our airline, and they do allow breast milk >100ml to be carried on board. So that's good.

I wonder if you have any advice / tips on travelling with an infant? Like, what sort of MUST BRING should we take with us as hand luggage (apart from the norm such as nappies, wet wipes etc) as we do want to keep things light.

The doctor also told us that baby may cry because of ear-ache when the cabin pressure changes. Is there anyway to help baby soothe the pain?

Thank you all in advance!

xxx, shu

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Re: Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 03:55:00 am »
The doctor also told us that baby may cry because of ear-ache when the cabin pressure changes. Is there anyway to help baby soothe the pain?

I don't really have any advice as I have not travelled by plane with my DS yet. My Dad works for an airline and in regards to crying during the cabin pressure changes, he says they are taught to tell parents to let the babies cry. This allows their ear drums to open and helps relieve the pain. So don't feel bad trying to keep your LO quiet as she is really helping herself! Good luck!

Offline Shushu

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Re: Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 04:15:58 am »
Thanks Jenn,

I found this link right after I posted the topic here:

In fact, I am also wondering if we are allowed to take the stroller on board or we have to check it in? The stroller is quite big (Peg Perego Pliko Switch model), weight is about 13kg... will bring the baby sling for sure. :)

Offline louiemum

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Re: Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 08:12:08 am »
Hi Shu,

I've travelled heaps with my LO who is now 18MO.  First trip we did was when he was 4MO and since he's been on about 7 flights including two really long haul (New Zealand to England - 25 hours on a plane!).

Best advice I was given about take off and landing was to feed (eith BF or Bottle - whatever you are comfortable with).  This helps the ear canal stay open and reduces the pain.   Also if they cry - don't get too worried about it.  Most people are understanding and if they aren't - they are the kind of people that don't deserve to be worried about! 

Nappies, lots of wipes, cloths for wiping up any spills etc, spare change of clothes are a must.   A small toy that your LO really likes (nothing too noisy!) or if they have a lovie (comfort blankie) take that. 

We were able to take our pram as far as the gate where you board the plane and they then took it away but I know some airlines make you check.  Depends on the airline but if you ring and ask and tell them it's your first time with baby they are normally helpful.

Good luck and feel free to ask any other questions  :D

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Re: Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 08:49:35 am »
hi,go on"getting back on track" under the SLEEP forum have a lot of good info on that subject.
i ve travelled with mu lo when she was 4 months, so i would advice to us the bassinet they have on the plane and usually that means having the front seats. that would be of great help, otherwise you will need to carry your lo all the way and it could get pretty uncomfortable for both of you. my lo was able to sleep in the bassinet so it was good for her. ofcourse then get a good blanket to use underneath.
but we were on an international flight ...
Paci or bottle for take off and landing, or even breastfeed a bit if possible.
also some SALINE drops to use for their nose bc it can get very dry in the plane.
also some water, if he drinks
I would take a toy or 2 definitely.
what else... thats it i guess, not much more you can do but to enjoy your trip!

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Re: Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2010, 09:34:50 am »
we were advised to take a syringe, then in the worst case scenario of them not feeding and being in pain you could always syringe in a bit of water which would make them swallow to relieve the pain.  We took it but never needed it.  2 hours will go so quickly, best of luck

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Re: Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2010, 10:49:47 am »
  Watching as will travel with a 4-mth old in Aug x x x

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Re: Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2010, 15:28:21 pm »
You should be able to check your stroller at the gate.  Might just want to double check if there is a size limit.

Yes, feed your baby during take off and landing if you can (although they will tell you that you have to hold her in a certain position.  If you have a paci, this is when it may come in handy.

I took DS on a plane at 2mos, 4mos, and 14mos (6xon a plane so far).  He has never cried from his ears hurting.  During the flights where he was still young, he mostly just slept and we had no issues. 

Good luck.  :)
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Re: Travelling by plane (2 hrs journey) with infant (5mth old)
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2010, 17:06:16 pm »
we have traveled more times than i can count.  this is just a 2 hour flight right? you will have no problems. it will be easier than you think and your LO will be entertained by all the new faces. be obsessive about the hand sanitizer.

My ds never had a problem with his ears but i did try to nurse him. i did bring EBM w/o problems.

i highly recommend:
 #1 renting a cart when you get to the airport. nowadays, Dh drops us off at the departures and i quickly get a cart  and Dh unloads the car & Ds. Then he parks the car. So much easier than dealing with the shuttle and a ton of bags.  If you don't have much stuff, you could stuff your stroller and wear your LO in a baby born of sling. we always brought the stroller and checked in at gate. If you have a snap N go, it is not as bulky.
#2 wear backpacks. it is so much easier to deal with a backpack then a ton of carry on bags and your back will thank you.
#3 don't stress!