OK - so DS was a TERRIBLE napper until around 10 months when he started having a long am nap (around 2 hrs) and 1 hr in the pm.
We switched to 1 nap cold turkey just after he was 13 months old due to nap refusal, NW and EW which worked really well and we were consistently getting 2.5 hours. Which reduced to 2 hours fairly quickly and seemed to stick there.
Now, for the last 10 days or so his nap has been consistently getting shorter...and shorter. I'm listening to him whinge in his cot at the moment and that's after 45mins!!!!!!!
Yesterday it was around an hour and 20 minutes and the day before he woke at an hour but I managed to persuade him to go back down for another hour.
So, what's happening? I've just been up and the poor guy is so tired at the moment that his eyes are closing the moment I pick him up - but he's been going off independently for months. AAAggh - now he's chatting again!!
He has had a bit of a cold and he does use a dummy - but again, for months, he uses it to get to sleep and then we hear it thunk out of the cot. I've tried putting him down earlier for the nap too - but he just plays and then gets really upset.
Any thoughts/advice would be very gratefully received!!
Steph XXX