Author Topic: Help! Almost 8 m/o NWing and screaming!  (Read 957 times)

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Offline roon

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Help! Almost 8 m/o NWing and screaming!
« on: February 14, 2010, 04:28:34 am »
Hello! I've been lurking for awhile soaking up the info and seeing what I can learn from advice given to moms with similar issue but I figured it's time to just post and get my own advice. My DS will be 8 months in a week. We've been doing BW/ EASY for about the 3 weeks/ month. I keep reminding myself that we HAVE seen improvement, even if I'm frustrated at the moment.  :-\ At any rate, here's our routine:

6:45/ 7am up
7:15 - 8:15 or longer E - Bottle (Formula)
9:30 S
11:30 up
12:00 E - Bottle
2:30 S
4:00 E - Bottle
6:00 start bedtime routine including bottle
6:45-7:15 down

This is very inconsistent in a number of ways - he is taking FOREVER to finish his bottles these days. We offer 8 oz but he takes almost an hour of starting and stopping to finish. Also, we've been working on extending the naps, but the last couple days we've gotten one 30 minutes and the other just under 2 hours, not consistent which is which. If the AM nap is shorter, he goes down for the PM nap more like 1:45. Yesterday he took a 2 hour AM nap and never went back down - he would give signs and I'd put him down and he'd resist (we did this for 3 hours off and on).

ANYWAY, the real point of this post is that we've also been having some NW in the last week or so. He wakes pretty consistently around 9:30pm. I've tried wake to sleep an hour before that and it hasn't worked, so maybe I should adjust the time frame? Usually he's easy to get right back down with a quiet "Shh" and a hand on his side. Then, he wakes AGAIN at 10:30/11 and is hungry. He wasn't eating at this time before, so this is a new thing. Then he usually wakes at 2:30ish as well.

It is usually really hard to get him back to sleep for one of those (not always the same one), with full on crying and LOUD screaming. We do pu/pd, but I'm talking full on back-arching, shoving hands away, etc.

Whew! Sorry this is so long! Additionally, I think he's got more teeth coming in on the bottom sides AND he's working on pushing to a sit and pulling up to stand... Am I just in trouble?  :o

Offline MamaBrown

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Re: Help! Almost 8 m/o NWing and screaming!
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2010, 10:21:01 am »
I have to admit that we are starting to see some progress - last night he was asleep for almost 5 hours straight, which is the longest he's been asleep for as long as i can remember!

and he's also more chilled out in the evening and he now allows his dad to put him to bed for the night.

Its slow progress, but progress nonetheless!!

Offline roon

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Re: Help! Almost 8 m/o NWing and screaming!
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 13:04:13 pm »
Wow, so yesterday I dug out his amber teething necklace (we took it off awhile back and I'd forgotten about it until I saw a post somewhere about them) and last night he slept straight from 7pm until 6:20am, no NWs! We'll see if it happens again, though...

He doesn't use a paci anymore, we stopped that when we started BW. He has a lovely in his crib but he doesn't reach for it that often. No other props.

I do think you're right about the A time but I'm having a devil of a time figuring it out. He seems to be tired after 2.5 hours in the AM consistently, but the later A times have me all confused.

Thanks for your suggestions!

Offline roon

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Re: Help! Almost 8 m/o NWing and screaming!
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2010, 14:54:25 pm »
We do try the different rooms but I think we can definitely stretch the wind down, thanks for the suggestion!