Author Topic: Switching from 3-4 hour easy...(aiming for 3.5 right now)  (Read 708 times)

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Offline Intransit

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Switching from 3-4 hour easy...(aiming for 3.5 right now)
« on: February 15, 2010, 20:03:17 pm »
Thandie will be 4 months next week, and Im transitioning to the 4 hour EASY...since she is showing signs of being able to go longer between feeds, and is able to handle more A time. The question I have has to do with the amount she is eating, she is ff and is not eating much more than 4 ounces right now each feed, other than df, which she can do 5. I am wondering with going to 3.5/4 hour easy, is it likely to cause N/W (we currently have one n/w right now, around 330/4am) if she is not eating more at each feed (and will soon have 1 less feed per day)-or is the increase in ounces something that will come with time?
I should also mention she has a cold (for about 1.5 weeks now) and is till getting over the cough bit.
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Re: Switching from 3-4 hour easy...(aiming for 3.5 right now)
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2010, 02:01:37 am »
when they have a cold, they tend to eat less at each feeding which may lead to nightwakings. Also, nightwakings will occur bc of their coughing, sniffling and feeling lousy.

Let's try to focus on EASY when they feel a little bit better?

The reason a 4 hour EASY will work at this age is bc their tummies are bigger. Nightwakings should not occur bc their feeds are getting spaced out during the day. Feedings less than 4 hours can lead to snacking and that's what can cause nightwakings bc they don't get full feedings during the day. make sense?


Offline Intransit

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Re: Switching from 3-4 hour easy...(aiming for 3.5 right now)
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2010, 03:20:07 am »
Thanks for your reply....
I've not been a nazi about the EASY routine since I know she isn't well, and Im not stressing about night wakings. I wondered more about the amount per feed for the future..I imagine it will increase once she gets to the 4 hour mark...thus not causing night wakings...
thanks for your help
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