Hi again
Can someone help me figure out if this shows that Ben has a milk allergy please?...........
He had a sickness and diarrhea bug from friday til saturday, and I was advised to avoid all dairy during this time (he hardly ate anything anyway, but I didn't give him his nighttime milk etc). On Saturday afternoon he ate well and seemed much better, and then had a full meal on Saturday evening. He seemed much more his normal self and was eating/drinking fine, diarrhea had stopped.
Then on Sunday morning because he seemed so well I decided it would be ok to give him milk on his cereal, but he was sick a short while afterwards. So I just decided to not give him milk for a couple of days, until this lunchtime I gave him some cheese. He woke up from his nap with BRIGHT red cheeks, bumpy skin on his face and in a bit of a grouchy mess (he had terrible wind too

). I think he is teething too, but I wondered if it was more to do with the cheese? I've realised that his cheeks have not been like this at all for the last few days while he was off dairy, whereas they were like it quite often before (although not every day

). Also, his excema has seemed slightly better, for the past couple of days, although not sure if this is a coincidence?
So, does anyone think this might be linked, or could it just be a coincidence. And, most importantly, I don't know what to do next?? Do I take him to the doctors, try and introduce the milk (which I'm now scared to do), give him a few more days without milk and cheese

. I am confused as to what I would need to cut out anyway, would it have to be all dairy, and should I introduce soy?
Thank you so much, I just feel clueless and not sure what next move to take
Claire xxx