Thanks guys.
Well he called her last night. She was not impressed... "why can't he just sleep at 9 in the car?"... "Why can't he sleep in the evening?"... "Well how will he nap when he starts nursery?" ...she was not impressed that we are paying them for him to sleep! (her words!) I could hear her raised voice from the other side of the room!!
She then moaned that the kids will be bored of the indoor play area by the time we get there (aged 10, 5+5... I think they won't care!) Even though 2 days ago they played in one for 5hrs, yep!
She wants everything her way, its so damn regimental I can't bear it, she'll phone to check again when we're leaving, and again to see where we are.. My Mum would never do that to us, she's had 5 kids, 6 grandkids so far, so "gets" it all... arrrrgh!
I must say its not always this bad, maybe she's hormonal lol (better not suggest that one lol).
Well I better go get ready, I woke at 3am for the day as I was so stressed couldn't sleep

fun eh... thanks again ladies

We then got "well I didn't know he had such a strict routine!" Umm... he's had 1 nap at lunch for 3months! (Last week she put him down for a nap at 9:30am!! (3hrs A!

) omg I'm going to crack.
I'm a chilled/calm person generally, but this last few days has pushed me towards the edge. Seriously. Ugh. Sorry to moan.