Author Topic: EASY not working...please, please help!!!  (Read 728 times)

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Offline Megewansmum

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EASY not working...please, please help!!!
« on: February 17, 2010, 16:09:17 pm »
Please can someone help my LO and me.

She will be 4 months old next week and I've been doing EASY for nearly a month now and things are not getting better. I'm still having problems with NW's and short naps. Last night she woke at 10.45am, 12.00, 1.25am, 2.50am, 4.55am, 5.25am & 6.50am when I finally got her up. She is now formula fed except at night when I BF her. Last night I fed her at 10.45am, 1.25am and again at 2.50am. Although the 2.50am was just a snack and unfortunately to get her back to sleep after a diaper change. I know last night was due to OT as I had problems with the 4th cat nap.

She never wakes up happy from a sleep or a nap and it is getting exhausting. I haven't really left the house for over 3 weeks except for the past couple of days to take her out in the stroller so she could get one decent nap without waking. Every nap needs extending. She just can't do it on her own. Last night we had a foot of snow so that is out of the question for today :-(

Todays EASY is this so far:-
Awake 6.50am
E 7am (3.5oz)
S 8.00 - 9.30 (extended by giving paci after 45 mins)
E 9.45 (5oz) tried to extend to 3hours but she was frantic for food
S 11.00 (woke after 30mins but successfully extended. She is still sleeping and it is now 12.00)

On EASY at least I know whether she is hungry or tired. She always lets me know as she starts fussing for food and when tired she will start to put hand in mouth and put hands behind head.

When will she start to extend the naps herself? If ever? I am trying everything that people have suggested but nothing is working. I have tried different A times but she is pretty adamant now that when she wants food or when she wants to sleep she wants it NOW! I can't extend either and the times she goes by herself don't seem to be working for her. What is going wrong??? I am so down about it and so tired. I feel like I'm doing it all wrong.

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Re: EASY not working...please, please help!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2010, 08:27:36 am »
Hi there, well for starters her A time is really low, for a 4 month old you are looking to start a 4 hour EASY which means her A times need to be at least 2 hours, shes on an A time suited for a newborn right now. so it looks like shes starting the day off undertired and then her A times get longer when they really should get shorter after a short nap so she ends up overtired, then you get the nightwakings because shes OT and is also trying to get the A time she needs during the day, at night. try gently extending her A times by 15 mins every couple of days until her naps start getting longer.

take a look at this as well: