any ideas for me to try rather than the tv?
Hi there
Trying to think what I did with Ben when he was 4 months old!!?......
You could try putting her in her chair by a big window, or where the light comes through and makes shadows on a wall.
Or underneath some fairy lights.
Or could you just lay her on a blanket and put a couple of soft toys nearby her for her to look at/feel, or stand up some books nearby so she can see them.
Or put her in your chair/lie her on her blanket and have her watch while you do jobs.
Or if the weather is warm enough (not sure where you are) could she be in her pram while you hang out the washing or do things outside. My mum said I used to *love* lying watching trees when I was little!
Have you got a sling or baby carrier - I used to carry Ben round loads at this age as it would always give him a good wind down - and he was occupied/happy but not overstimulated. It's nice because you can feel like you are spending time with your lo when being able to get on with other things at the same time!
I think part of the difficulty with introducing tv so very early is that by the time she is old enough to start choosing what activity she wants to do, you really don't want her to always default to choosing tv just because that's what she's used to doing. you seen this thread? It's got lots of great ideas for 3-6 month olds