I just wanted to share what has happened the last few days and see what you girls thought really - it's lovely to have a sounding board!
His nap had been at 1pm and he'd been napping around 1hr and 15-20mins. I was putting him to bed nearer 7pm and it was taking him ages to fall asleep and still waking in the night and at 6.15am the following morning. So even though was napping better he was actually getting less sleep overall.
Sun I decided I was going to put him down at 12.45pm to preserve bedtime, he napped 55 mins
Wake 7.30am (he'd been up a good 2hrs in the night so we all slept in)
Nap 12.45 -1.40pm
Bed asleep 6.45pm (it seems no matter how long his nap is 5hrs is the time he falls asleep)
I *think* he STTN till 6.15 (I always say think as sometimes I don't hear him!)
Wake 6.15am
Nap 12.45 - 1.50
Asleep 6.55pm
I *think* he STTN till 6am
Wake 6am
Nap 12.45 - 1.50 (not sure what it is with an hour and 5min nap??)
Asleep 7pm (he was pratting around at bedtime and hit his head - he now has a black eye
cue tears and upset!)
He did seem very tired last night and got hyper which would suggest OT but then wouldn't settle to sleep which for us indicates UT
He woke at 4am !!!! EWs are very rare for us (NWs instead I guess?), he is cutting teeth which have previously caused EWs
It seems the 3 day rule thing happens with us - ok naps, 2 good nights, another ok nap (I know a lot of you won't think a 65min nap is ok but for us it is!) and then the 3rd night issues and back to square one.
So what do you think? I am in 2 minds - conflicting ones at that!
1st mind - 2 good nights and 3 ok naps = too much sleep and then a crappy night
2nd mind - naps aren't long enough an he gets OT and then a crappy night.
Sorry for yet another long post - I know you all have a lot to read aside from my issues.