Author Topic: EASY Trouble Shooting for 6 month  (Read 553 times)

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Offline dingoheid

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EASY Trouble Shooting for 6 month
« on: February 19, 2010, 17:46:12 pm »
Hi!  I've been doing easy now with my 6 month old dd and we're running into some hiccups...I'll post my EASY and then ask a few questions....

Last Night:  (is all in green k?)

S:  7:45 w a DF @ 10:30  (DF went very well...lo did not wake up....we don't usually do the df, but she only had 3 oz before
                                    she went to sleep which we gave her at the beginning of her wind down...usually she has all 6 oz)

EW:  4:00 a.m..... this one was difficult...gave her oval drops for gas

S:  5:30

W: 7:15  (normal time...lo woke up by herself)
E:  7:30   8 oz
A:  2 tbsp cereal & Play time with Daddy...wind down started LATE- usually wd starts 2 hr 45 min after wake, but
     her wind down this morning happened after being awake for 3 hr and 10 a result of lo being VERY OT,
     shh/patt took 15 min & 8 pu/pd....usually very easy to put down for naps

EW:  lo woke up 40 minutes into her nap (this is VERY RARE...usually will sleep at least 1.5 hours, if not the full 2 hours) 
       I shh/patt for 30 minutes before caving in :-\

E:  12:00 (1/2 hour after giving up from EW as would have been her regular time to eat- 12:00...ate 3 1/2 oz....usually will
               polish off 5, but didn't seem overly hungry at 12:00

A:  currently 12:40 and playing in exersaucer

So....hope my EASY is somewhat easy to are my questions....

1.  Is the EW this morning from her a.m. nap likely due to my lo being OT??

2.  Do I start counting her activity time from....
    a)  when I caved in during the shh/patt which would have been @ 11:30
    b)  start counting from when she should have woken up at 12:00 which would have given her a nap of 1.5 hours?
    c)  base it more on her cues (which she is giving rather frequently- i.e., eye rubs)

3.  Do I likely count on a cat nap or go with an early bed time?

I appreciate any advice and look forward to reading suggestions:-)

Offline dingoheid

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Re: EASY Trouble Shooting for 6 month
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2010, 19:57:25 pm »
Quick update...

My lo went down for a nap @ 2:30...this would be an activity of

a)  2 hr 30 min (if counting from when she would have napped for 1.5 hrs)


b)  3 hr 00 min (if counting from when I caved in and stopped pu/pd)

Not sure that matters anymore since she is now having her p.m. nap...and she went down within a minute :D

If a lo wakes 40 minutes into a nap, is that usually a sign of OT?  She was up for 1.5 hrs last night from 4:00 to 5:30 and had a very long activity time (over 3 hrs) this morning. Which is why I think maybe she woke up early from her nap?? 

I hope she sleeps at least 1.5 hours now  ???

So, I guess my most important question for now I offer my lo a cat nap b/n 5-6, or early bedtime....if early bed time, how early? 
I would really appreciate any advice:-)

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Re: EASY Trouble Shooting for 6 month
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2010, 20:21:44 pm »
Hey there, hang in there, this is a tough stage, but you'll get through it..:)

First about the A time question, it's from eyes open to eyes closed, so like if she was up @ 06.00, you count A time from that & doing 2.45 A time, you'd want her asleep @ 08.45, the if you were aiming for 1.5 hrs nap , your ideal situation would be that she wakes up @ 10.15, but if she wakes up @ 09.25 & you try to extend, but can't then your A time started @ 09.25 & you'd be best cutting back A time this time around to 2hrs~2.15 max, so you want her asleep by 11.25~11.35, of course she need to keep an eye on her cues, in case she'd need a shorter A time.

That NW could be teething, cold, hungry, OT or what happened with us alot was need to increase the A time, so was 2.45 A time your max so far?..also, after such a night I'd cut back A time a little, so maybe do something like 2.15 to help her catch up.

I think that first nap was OT, about having a CN or nor, that really depends on what's best for you & your lo, here's a link that may help you decide:

Hope I covered your questions..:)
Adam's Mum