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worried sick i need help!
« on: February 19, 2010, 20:09:16 pm »
so DD had diarrhea for 2 weeks and i finally put my foot down and told the doctor we needed a stoll sample tested! so it came back with blood in her stool! im so worried im going nuts we have a GI appt coming up soon she said it will be within a week...

besides that the past 4 days DD is spitting up MAJOR. after every meal she spits up 1-4 times then one or two hours later spits up again multiple times im absolutely worried sick about her. i thought it must be her finally called me today after 3 agonizing days and many phone calls trying to get to the bottom of all this...

so she tells me she thinks its a milk/soy allergy and i should eliminate it from my diet but it could take weeks to have a full effect on DD. so im like ok i will do that dont worry...
so now im thinking i have had soy/milk this whole time and she seemed does this explain all the spit up? could this have caused the blood in her stool?

also now im left wondring exactly how to eliminate all of this. ok dont drink milk or eat soy or cheese/yogurt right...what about cooking with i cant have mashed potatoes anymore?lol seriously though what are the "standards" i guess of eliminating these things. also i noticed soy lecthin is in like everything! is that considered soy?


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Re: worried sick i need help!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 01:26:25 am »
Hi there.  Big big (((((hugs))))).  I know it can be so worrisome and so frustrating trying to sort this all out.  We'll certainly help you try. 

First, great job making the dr take a stool sample.  It's so hard to advocate for our LOs sometimes, and good for you for listening to your instinct.  Turned out to be very beneficial.

In answer to your question - YES, milk allergy can absolutely cause blood in the stool.  That's exactly what happened to my DD2.  She had loose, mucousy stool with blood in it.  It was horrible.  Eliminating all dairy and soy worked very well for us (along with other allergens, but she is a pretty rare case).   There are some moms who can just eliminate obvious dairy (like milk, cheese, yogurt) but others have to eliminate trace dairy as well (and soy), which can be very difficult.  Regarding soy letitchin, I eliminated it, but from what I understand it's not exactly necessary. 

It's true it can take weeks for it to be out of your system and then out of your baby;s, however I (and lots of mamas) see big improvements in just a few days. 

Although you have been eating milk./soy all along it could just now be impacting your DD to such a degree.  She may actually have had microscopic blood in her stool for awhile and you didn't know.  Was she fussy, had difficulty sleeping before the diarrhea?  Those can also be symptoms.

Giving up the milk and soy can be very challenging, if you do it please consider seeing a nutitionist for yourself.  I eventually got hypoallergenic calcium supplements from - they were great - but I waited too long and should have done it from the beginning. 

Huge Huge hugs....hope this helps a little.

 :-* :-*

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Re: worried sick i need help!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 02:50:38 am »
(((hugs))), I know how worried you are feeling, my dd had a milk protein allergy as a baby and had blood in her diaper too which freaked me out until we found out the cause. In dd's case she spit up lots and was "colicy" as she would do nothing but scream/cry from 7pm until 5am everyday until we found out the problem. I had to eliminate all forms of milk, even trace amounts and could not cook with it or use a byproduct. It was a very limited diet for me but I got used to it quickly and dd grew out of her allergy at 15 months and we bf until 18 months. There is a list under MSPI that is handy, I brought it with me everywhere I went. For us my dd stopped her screaming/crying within 3 days and the blood stopped about 7 weeks later if I remember correctly.
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Re: worried sick i need help!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 04:27:05 am »
(((hugs)))) Good for you for being your dd's champion!!!!  Awesome!  The good news here is that you know what's going on, and it is fixable.  There is alot of vegetables, fruit, fish, chicken and baked pototoes in your future...but hey, not too bad! 

 Best of have already jumped a major hurdle in getting this diagnosis...!!!

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Re: worried sick i need help!
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 04:49:08 am »
As the others have said, milk/soy protien allergies can sure cause the blood in the stool and spitting up.  Happened w/ DS.  The blood comes from the irriation in the lining of the colon, so as the feces passes the irritated lining it picks up blood. 

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Re: worried sick i need help!
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 12:25:31 pm »
o thank you guys i have been losing my mind over here!!! she is alwasys wicked happy except in the evenings she will scream and scream until i put her in bed but i figured that was b/c she never naps for more than 30mins! she has NWs but usually puts herself to sleep. she was diagnosed with reflux now im thinking maybe it was this all along...i was calling the doctor frantically the past few days b/c of all the spit up! she finaaly called me back apparently she had a few days off and this was the news i got...i was so surprised i didnt know what to ask i was juts registering it and of course when i called back and said i have a few questions to ask her she never called me........
so at least i have some peace of mind now!! thank you!
i take calcium anyway but i will make sure it doesnt have soy in it. i think i will eliminate all milk and soy at first and then try adding in the mashed potatoes and what not once shes all better and if she has an adverse effect i will just avoid it again. at least i will lose weight lol thanks again guys!

Offline anielasmommy

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Re: worried sick i need help!
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2010, 16:19:36 pm »
is butter off limits? i know its made from cream techinically but idk if there is lactose in it?


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Re: worried sick i need help!
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2010, 17:47:25 pm »
butter should be off limits in the beginning.  it's the fat from the milk and i didn't realize until recently that it is pretty safe.  however - it's not the lactose that you need to be conscious of avoiding - it's the milk protein...they are two separate things.  (so lactose free milk would NOT work and could still cause issues). 

Good luck!  The first week is the hardest (imho), then it gets better and losing a bit of weight helps the process too, lol. 

Keep us posted how it goes, I bet your DD is going to feel so much better very soon.  And I hope you get some more answers from the dr - but what I've noticed (at least in the US) is that the ped's aren't too knowledgable about allergies at this age, especially being affected through breastmilk.  A ped allergist is your best bet for moving forward.  I would give it at least 6-8 weeks before introducing trace soy/dairy.

 :-* :-*

(ps to Birdie - wow, love your profile picture, stunning and moving.... :-* )