Oh Lil, was so gutted to see that you are still having troubles! My first reaction is the same as Tari's -- that teething and the "normal" chaos of the naps at this age (new to one nap, etc) could be a lot of what the emotional/behavioural symptoms are. At the same time, what does your instinct tell you? KWIM? Like, we went through a huge bout of similar stuff and I casually mentioned it to the paed at a routine appt (sort of like a "how is his behaviour?" and I said "ah, you know, the age he's at and blah blah blah") and her first reaction was to say that he needed to go off milk ASAP that it was a sign he had not in fact outgrown his MSPI....but I just "felt" that was not the case, instinct goes a long way, iykwim?
With the miserable weather and snow that England has been having, have you had to turn your heat on or up more often than normal? Such a humid climate, if the heat has been on and the weather much drier than normal that may be affecting his skin as well....just a thought. How are you finding the Diprobase? That was the first thing we were given for DS's eczema as a baby (by the HV) and it made it so much worse every time I applied it. DH used to say that, and I brushed him off as being stupid, but then my own eczema broke out and I used some of it and instantly my skin was stinging, burning, itchy and much worse than before. MY GP gave us Aveeno lotion and bath oil - can buy it OTC but also on script (so free!) and Epaderm. I use the Aveeno daily and the Epaderm when we get break outs and it is aaaammmmaaaazing stuff.
The sicks....if he's really snotty do you think it could be related?
And, with the congestion, did he get this with any of his other teeth? DS has always had bouts of runny noses and a bit of congestion before all of his teeth, but with his upper canines he's been completely bunged up for a good 3 weeks now. As the teeth shift it really affects the sinus cavity - so could be another sign of early teething?
But as I said, I think that if your instinct says it might be food related, then you know best! But I know for me that I would be in such denial about it at this stage that I would fully blame it on everything else possible before trying a soy elimination at this point.