Hi there

Not sure if I should post here, or eating for toddlers. Feel free to move.
My DD was on Nutramigen AA as an infant, and successfuly transitioned to soy around 12 mos. At some point, we plan to try dairy, but every time we start something happens (like she'll get a cold, or I'll get a cold, or Dh gets a new job. etc. etc) and we chicken out. I'm in no rush, we'll get there when we get there.
Right now, she is taking 6oz of soy formula 3x a day. Is this necessary/appropriate? Could she just have soy milk, or is this still not nutritionally complete at this age? Could I do some mixing of rice milk or coconut milk or something? The formula just gets so expensive, and the older she gets I'm just wondering if it's necessary. She is an excellent eater for the most part. Eats a wide variety of fruits/veggies/grains/proteins.
Would love to hear what other no-dairy LOs this age are drinking.