Hello all!
My son will be 19 mos on the 25th. I was having some nap and EW issues about 2 months ago, but a month ago stopped posting because I felt like obsessing over it was taking over my life! Things settled down, and his current routine has been like this:
7:00 wake
12:15-2:15 nap (on average the nap is about 2 hrs, sometimes I only get 1.5, sometimes 2.5)
7:45 bed
It varies by 15m or so anywhere throughout the day depending on activities, wake up times, etc., but for the most part it has been pretty consistent.
Here is our current issue. He has suddenly started screaming when I put him down for his nap. Last Thursday, he went down as normal, but woke after 45m screaming. I couldn't get him back to sleep, so he had an early bedtime. On Friday, he fell asleep for 30m in the car on the way home, and I was able to transfer him to crib. He whined for 5m or so (not real crying) but then went to sleep for an additional 45m. Yesterday, (Saturday), he fell asleep for about 10m on the way home from an errand, but then screamed when I tried to put him in the crib. I went in and APOP to sleep for 10m, tried to put him down, he screamed again. I APOP again, and got another 25m out of him, but that's all. Early bedtime last night, and slept 12hrs15m, which is rare for him these days.
Today, he was fine during winddown, and fine when I put him in the crib, but as soon as I left the room, crying began. Not as bad as it was yesterday, though.
I should also mention that he is cutting canines. 2 have come through already this week, and the other 2 are right there. I don't think the teeth are bothering him, though, as he seems fine during A time and I made sure to give meds 45m prior to nap time. It seems he just wants me...could this be SA?
One more thing...he is not doing this at bedtime, just for naps.
Any thoughts?
