I went thru this with my first son. One thing that it resulted in was his "vault" or part of colon increased in size. What that resulted in was him "holding" it because the vault was large and therefore caused chronic constipation. This is not to scare you, however, just be aware that if she becomes constipated again I would talk to her doctor about putting her on Milk of Magnesia or something else. DS1 is now 2 and still taking milk of mag and we were advised to do so until after potty training.
a few things about foods that I found caused problems with my son. #1 was rice cereal. Here the rice cereal (and all cereals) are fortified with a lot of iron which also constipates. Apple and bananas were bad for him, however, apple juice has the opposite effect. I would always try juice before milk of mag. To this day we do an apple OR a banana but not both in one day. And I only give him 1/2 banana and 1/2 apple and he's 2.
Some foods that I found helped were pears and squash. Prunes were good but caused gas for us.
HTH's and things get better!