In all honesty at his age, and when he only goes 2 times a month, he won't get used to the people or the surroundings. You can confidently give it a try, give him a wave and a kiss and say see-ya later (never sneak out) and check in in 10 minutes, see if he forgets and enjoys his play or if he is unsettled. If he's still really unsettled for most the nursery time, it's not really worth it.
But my DS did the same at a similar age at the gym creche. He'd only go for 1.5 hours once a week and I'd peek in the door after a half hour to see him winding up. He would see me leave and be so happy exploring, but didn't realise that it would be a long time before I came back, and he wasn't used to the carer (as lovely as she was) even with DD there with him.
The way to get through that is more constant exposure, as in going to day care for 3 sessions a week for a month and then you'll see he'll adjust and be used to the experience and the bond with other adults.
Kids at our day care who only go once a week, can often be the most unsettled, at a range of ages.