so we had a good night. She slept for 11 hours (despite a fire alarm blaring for a half hour...
1st A: 3 hours and 20 mins = 1 h and 5 min nap
2nd A: 3 hours and 40 mins = 45 mins
Logic tells me to to up her A time, guys. I'm quite bewildered. Should I just wait for her teeth to cut before I up her As? I'm kind of tentative about all these A times considering she's doing what 9 months + should be doing, really.
Lately: 1st A of 3 hours or less = 45 mins; 1st A of 3 hours and 20 mins or less = 1 hr and 5 - 10 mins; 1st A of 3 hours and 40 mins: sometimes 30 mins, but also I get 1 hour and 15 mins. I don't want to accept these numbers!
She was refusing the catnap back at 5 months was insanity to get her to sleep for that last bit of the aft. I'd be so exhausted by the time she FINALLY went for her catnap that I wanted to sleep too.
she was doing these sorts of A time before she started the teething behaviour.
I'm not in the mood to go sh/pat her. she's quite capable of extending her naps by herself now.
btw, I didn't meant to ignore your suggestions of A times for her...but with what you guys mentioned about rubbing eyes being just a part of teething then I just figured I'd try to keep her going, yk?
hmm actually she's been waking up pretty hungry so maybe I should increase her solids and feed her before her second nap tomorrow.