Author Topic: I just want to cry  (Read 1438 times)

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I just want to cry
« on: March 05, 2010, 16:02:35 pm »
So, I've already explained on here about my son's problems with lactose.

Well I bought some goat's milk today to try him with that. I gave it to him half an hour before lunch and he didn't react and I was thinking woohoo we've cracked it at last. Now for lunch I did him hard boiled eggs and toast. He's had egg before and never reacted to it. He refused lunch and half hour later vomited - all over himself and me this continued for half hour then the hives appeared again and I knew he'd reacted.

So I rang the Dr's got him an appointment as he's never vomited after cow's milk so I was quite worried. Turns out the motorways closed and once again Banbury's come to a standstill and I couldn't get to the Dr's surgery. So the earliest I can get him threre is next Thursday. The Health Vistor said speak to my Doctor and the Dietician hasn't even rang me back.

I just don't know where to go from here. I'm back at work Monday. Ds is refusing now to drop middle of the day feed and I can't express enough for him to have. I bought some soya milk as well which I will try but I'm just so afraid that he'l react to that as well.


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Re: I just want to cry
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2010, 18:19:24 pm »
Oh wow big big (((hugs)))).  I can SO relate to how you feel.  How is your LO doing now?  I hope he is feeling better.

I'm sorry to say that it is very common to not tolerate goat's milk if you also have a cow's milk allergy.  The milk proteins are very similar.  I don't know that it's actually the lactose that your son has the issue with if he is having issues w/goat's milk (lactose is the milk sugar, not the milk protein) so that might help clarify for you and him a bit to have that diagnosed? 

How is he with soy?  what about almond or oat milk?  He may need to go to a hypoallegenic milk...

Hope he is feeling better.  Feel free to cry on our shoulders - I know how absolutely disappointing and frustrating and overwhelming it can all be while you are getting it sorted.


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Re: I just want to cry
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2010, 08:50:33 am »
Hi, thank you for replying. Turns out I was having rather an emotional day that day!

I tried the soya milk with him yesterday and he didn't appear to react but after the first mouthful he refused to drink it! Will keep trying and see what happens. I spoke to the HV again and she told me to ask the Dr to refer me to an allergist so hopefully will get that sorted on Thursday.

He didn't have a feed during the day at all yesterday so I'm also hoping that we may be able to go down to morning and night feeds.

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Re: I just want to cry
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2010, 09:26:15 am »
HUGS, how old is your LO? If he's nearly 1 year, and you don't have enough bm for him to have a bottle at day care you might find the change in routine there (ie being in a different place) will mean he'll start to skip the middle of the day feed.

My DS was still bf up to 4 times a day when I went back to work with him being just turning 1.  He refused bm in a bottle, refused cows milk, and he just skipped those feeds while he was at day care.  He filled up on solid foods instead.  My DD used to have a bottle before EVERY nap when she started daycare and that stopped there too, but continued at home. Different place, different routine/people.

Hope you find some answers and find the soy milk goes better  :-*
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8