Hey Ladies!
DD was a MSPI babe, on Nutra AA. At 12 mos. we successfully added soy, and she's doing great on in, now drinking soymilk - woohoo!
She is now 17 mos. and in the past 2 mos. we have tried to introduce dairy 3x. Everytime we start, we stop bc "something gets in the way" of us being able to monitor her reactions. Today I realized that the "something" has been a respiratory infection/cold. All 3 times. So I'm thinking...this is a reaction to the dairy??? What do you think??? This past trial, she had about an ounce of yogurt each morning. Around day 2, a little gassiness, but nothing to write home about. By day 4, a full blown snotty nose, getting a cold - we stopped the dairy. She's still getting over the cold, been 3 days dairy free now.
What do you allergy mommas think? Is it just coincidence? If it was a reaction to dairy, would it be gone now? Does her immune system weaken trying to process the dairy, resulting in getting sick?
TIA - you ladies are the best!