Hello! I'm new here! My son, who is 3 now was an EASY baby, and an easy EASY baby at that! He followed routines fabulously, but of course since he was my first, I had all the time in the world to devote to keeping him on track.
My daughter is just over 6 months old, and I'm having a terrible time reading her sleepy signs and keeping her on any type of predictable schedule. We just started solids, which seems to be throwing things off even further. I will admit I have not been keeping specific track of her awake/nap times, but have been following the E, A, S, loosely.
After reading through a lot of sample routines on this forum last night, I tried to write out what would work as a routine for us. The tricky part in all of this is that on Mon, Wed, Fri, I have to drop off and pick up my son from preschool, and am trying to schedule my daughters naps accordingly.
The last few days have not been going well, which is what prompted me to sign up here and try to get back on track(more about this below the schedule)
So, here is what I have come up with so far:
E: 7:00am bottle 4-5oz
A: 8:15am solids
S: 9:30? - see below.
E: 11:00am bottle
A: 11:50-12:10 drop DS off at school
12:15pm solids
S: ~1:00-1:30 ?
2:20 - 2:40 pick up DS from school
E: 3:00pm
S: ~4:00?
E: solids 5:30pm
A: Bath 6:15ish
Bottle 6:45
S: 7:00pm
She still wakes twice a night around midnight, and again at 4am, she'll eat 4 oz each time.
So, as you can see, the schedule needs some work! Yesterday, she only took ONE nap the whole day, and it was terrible, but sadly we are on that path again today... She seemed tired shortly after 9am. We still swaddle her, so I wrapped her up, held her for a few minutes, sang a song, and lay her down awake. She cried so I tried again, got her up for a while, repeated, etc. At 10:10am I gave in and gave her a bottle while swaddled, she had only 2oz, but then pooped, so I changed her and lay her down awake, and she drifted off to sleep without a problem. She poops many times a day so although I'm sure that's part of what was keeping her awake, it's not like she was constipated or uncomfortable...
Sorry this post is all over the place! I'm trying to include everything that may be important!
Thanks in advance, I'd appreciate any advice you have! The last few days have not been good, and I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed!
Thank you!