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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2010, 11:21:39 am »
Mmmm, I know the kind you mean Lucy - and yes, I really want one!!!  But, our chairs won't take one, they have these funny arched/curved backs and can't attach a toddler seat.  Not ready to buy whole new kitchen set for His Royal Highness!!! 

I think it is just a matter of being picky for the sake of it.  DH and I are in FULL disagreement on how to handle it, we have regular rows over it  :-\ So last night he sat down, refused his pasta, said blech and just wanted to eat his slice of cheese.  Fine by me, here's your cheese, eat up and then that's it - if you're finished, you're finished!  DH spent ages coaxing him to eat his pasta, try a bite, just a little, etc. Wait 3 minutes and offer again, come on, just a wee bite for daddy, it's pesto and you like it, just touch with your finger, just smell it, just one lick, and so on, until DS is literally FREAKING out in his chair slapping at DH, trying to wrench the bowl out of his hands and throw it, and so on.  And why do you think that is? Cause the boy said he didn't want it, so JUST LEAVE IT!!! We go through this every night, dinner is the only meal when he is THIS picky and it's not a coincidence this is the only meal where DH is involved IMO. 

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2010, 11:51:10 am »
That sounds like my house!!!!!!! my DH will not give up with sure thats why at nearly 5 he is still so picky!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2010, 19:36:42 pm »
The great food debate, eh? LOL

One of my friends who worries about her LOs (one who is coeliac, so gluten free - the other is dairy free  :() and the amount they eat was told by one of the docs that it's the one thing that they can 'control' and therefore they 'do'. We control what time they eat, what time they sleep, etc - and therefore he basically said the more it stresses you out they 'worse' they can be - kwim? He also pointed out that a LO won't starve themselves and will eat when hungry . . . I'm sharing this with you to try and make you feel better - however, I have to admit that tho I tell myself these things over and over again I still stress about what A is eating. More so I *think* because she ate anything (or at least tried) that was put in front of her - now she's a bit picky  :P

However, the eating spree continues at the mo - which makes for a very happy Mummy  ;) Here's today

B: Porridge with dried mixed berries, satsuma, milk

At CM:
S: Cookies & milk
L: Ham sandwich, cheese cubes, crisps, yoghurt, water
S: Crumpets, raisins, water
S: 1 choc biscuit, water

At home: (wasn't expecting much after all she ate at CM - but she surprised me)
D: baked omlette (with potatoes, carrots mushrooms), yoghurt, savoury muffin, pear, hot choc and 3 mini organix biscuits

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2010, 20:34:09 pm »
just marking my spot on this thread

Offline J & J's Mum

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2010, 20:52:01 pm »

Yesterday Jessie ate:

B - milk and a few spoonfuls of Nutragrain
S - 1/4 of a piece of toast with vegemite on (she normally eats the whole piece of toast)
L - cream cheese and jam spread on 1 piece of bread and rolled into little wheels - probably 3/4 of it and then pinched 1/2 of her Brother's ham sandwich (she totally refuses to eat a ham sandwich if I serve it to her!)  ???
S - grapes,
D - totally refused her dinner
Milk before bed.

Not a good day for us!!!
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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2010, 21:04:13 pm »
The great food debate, eh? LOL

One of my friends who worries about her LOs (one who is coeliac, so gluten free - the other is dairy free  :() and the amount they eat was told by one of the docs that it's the one thing that they can 'control' and therefore they 'do'. We control what time they eat, what time they sleep, etc - and therefore he basically said the more it stresses you out they 'worse' they can be - kwim? He also pointed out that a LO won't starve themselves and will eat when hungry . . . I'm sharing this with you to try and make you feel better - however, I have to admit that tho I tell myself these things over and over again I still stress about what A is eating. More so I *think* because she ate anything (or at least tried) that was put in front of her - now she's a bit picky  :P

I bought an guide to eating type thing a few months back. It was getting ridiculous here and I decided enough was enough. So the guide I bought, said pretty much the above. That it's something they can control - either to get praise or negatively, they create it. And also that the more stressful a mealtime is, the more anxious they become they tense their tummies and just aren't hungry at that point, so if sat in a seat and food pushed at them, it gets more stressful. Once down from the table, they relax and so the hunger pangs start.

For us. I drew a line. I make a meal that contains something that DS usually likes - bread, for example, and then other bits that are new, veggies etc. A balanced meal if he eats all of it - that's my job. His job is eating it or not. So, once it's prepared I but out. I don't try to spoon it into him because he can eat well himself. If he doesn't want to eat it, I let it go. I wouldn't want to be forcefed or hounded, so I respect his decision. If he isn't eating anything, I say clearly "aren't you hungry? that's okay, but remember no more to eat until lunch / breakfast / etc". And that's it. I don't cave, I don't give in. If he's eaten well and wants more, I give more.

And I never praise him for eating well, or say a word about his not eating something is hurtful. If he eats, he eats. His decision. Since we've done that, he's happier at the table, happier eating and seems quite secure in saying "no thankyou Mama" when I ask if he'd like to try something from my plate (if he's not tried it on his etc). DH still struggles with it and I regularly point out respecting his decision isn't forcing food into his mouth after he's said no thank you Daddy.  ::)

And no mac & cheese here either. Or any pasta at all. Or potatoes.  :-\


Breakfast: 2 weetabix mixed with milk & greek yoghurt and pear (ate 1/3 of breakfast & a handful of stolen branflakes)
[shorttempered all morning - had to leave our swimming lesson early he was so antisocial)
Lunch: tuna melt mini pizza (tuna mayonnaise on a 1/2 toasted muffin topped with cheddar then grilled), a clementine, and about 3+ tablespoons of the tuna mayo mix
Snack: raisins & a smoothie
Supper: baked sweet potato with butter & cheddar, a bite of a dumpling (ignored the rest of the dumpling), a yoghurt, refused banana, ate the slice of birthday cake (funny that  ;)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2010, 21:47:21 pm »
Quote from: mashimaro
We bought him a little wooden table and chair set for colouring, playing cars, etc, and DH has been suggesting we let him eat dinner there. I am not so sure, but might give it a try.

Can't hurt to try!
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Offline Mashi

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2010, 07:22:59 am »
I know - I do agree with you ladies about the me controlling when and where and what, DS controlling the how much. That's my way - and it works well.  How to get DH on board. When we talk about it he agrees, when meal time comes it flies out the window.  Men.

B - toast and jam, dry cheerios and milk. same old same old
S - chocolate muffin.  (let's not lie, it was cake!) capri sun juice packet - we were in town so it was a treat
L - bread with cream cheese, more of that leber kaese stuff
S - shared an apple, some peas and a baby biscuit
D - bread with butter ::) carrots, yogurt

and that, ladies, was a GOOD eating day for us!

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2010, 19:39:17 pm »
What is it about DHs and LOs food intake, eh?  ::) Have to admit that DH tries to cajole Alice a lot more than I do.

Charlotte - think your way sounds like a really good way of handling it. You seem as relaxed as I WANT to be - or how I used to be when I first started with BLW many moons ago.

Have to admit that I disagree with Colin Macs Mom (no offence  :-*) about letting Mini Mashi sit at the little wooden table to eat. My brother & SIL did this with my niece (now 12) as they didn't sit down for meals at a table themselves. My niece never sat and ate a meal - she would just get up and walk around and go back to the plate of food whenever she fancied another bit therefore snacking all day long. As a result she never liked sitting at the table then when they went out to eat as it wasn't the norm for her. However, I do think it's a personal thing - but after watching my niece when she was little I knew that wasn't the route that I wanted to take - I hasten to add that my niece is a lovely 12 year old girl (young woman  :o) who will happily sit at a table and eat  ;)

B: Jam on toast, pear, juice
S: (at my Mum's) organix cereal bar
L: (at my Gran's) 'gwampki' with potatoes, greek yoghurt with jam, asked for an apple then refused to eat it  ::) - possibly because it was served peeled and in pieces, who knows?  :P, water
When I went to collect Alice my Gran (or Babcia - she's Polish) was beside herself with joy and pride that Alice had eaten 'gwampki' without batting an eyelid  ;D Not sure how you spell it but am writing it as you say it - it's minced meat wrapped in savoy cabbage leaves and served in a gravy, one of my favourite dishes ever growing up  ;D
S: another savoury muffin
D: sausage, apple and onion pie with carrot & suede mash (didn't eat loads, but enough - tho prob more than she would have due to some 'encouragement' from DH!), yoghurt, peaches in juice with custard, 3 mini (malted milk) biscuits, hot choc

Offline J & J's Mum

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2010, 21:03:32 pm »

Yesterday Jessie ate:

B - Milk and then 2 weetabix
S - grapes
L - I prepared a meat sandwich (as she's pinched her brothers the day before!), piece of cheese and cherry tomatoes.  She ate the cheese and tomatoes and then went to the fridge trying to open the door to get more cheese and then had a HUGE paddy because I wouldn't let her have any more!  So she went to bed for her nap
S - Offered the sandwich, which she did try, but threw  >:(   Cream cheese and crackers.  Then had half a rice bubbles bar when we picked up her brother from pre school
D - Prepared baked beans, omelette and home made chips.  She ate a few chips, all the beans, the omelette and her brothers omelette!!  She loves egg!!  Yoghurt

Let's see what today brings  ???
Emigrated from the UK to Australia 1st July 2009!!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2010, 04:43:07 am »

B - cheerios & soy milk
S - rice krispie cake? (DH was in charge of that)
L - used a slice of bread to sop up applesauce, grapes, soy milk
S - bananas, rice cracker, soy milk
S - McDonald's - nuggets & fries, and her new fav ketchup

I think we are on a downswing from the last growth spurt, she is now eating the same as her sister, not more!

I feel like I'm constantly fighting a battle with DH over what they eat & how (he is into junk food & over eating) I want them to follow what their bodies tell them and eat what they need. Masyn feels free to tell DH this now, and Spencer will just shake her head at him when he tries to push something on her.

We have just finally let Masyn stop being strapped into her booster, I can't imagine letting Spencer free range it at a little table!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2010, 20:46:22 pm »
Something going on here...I suspect teething

B - 3/4 weetabix and milk, slice of Peanut butter on toast. water
S - marmite breadsticks and mini rice cakes
L - 2 sausages, sauteed potatoes, sweetcorn, peas , fromage frais, 2 pieces banana, 1/2 a fig roll, water
S - mini iced cake from Grandma,
D - made a cheese omelette - he refused it, heated up some meat ravioli - he refused it. (Pasta is always a winner usually) 1 toasted hot X bun with butter (he will soon look like one!!) bits of banana,
Supper - cheerios and warm milk, biscuit

Only had 3 ozs of milk at bedtime...v unusual.

Nell xxx
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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2010, 23:31:12 pm »
Heidi - love your nostalgic avatar, too cute  :-*

Think A must be having a growth spurt as she seems have eaten loads for the last few days.

B: porridge with dried mixed berries, satsuma, juice

At CM:
S: raisins & milk
L: shepherds pie, veg, yoghurt & water
S: banana & juice
S: cookies & milk

At home:
D: chicken/salsa/cream cheese dish (inc beans, corn and olives) with rice - ate a big portion without any cajoling  ;), yoghurt, mixed fruit pieces in juice with custard, hot choc & 3 mini biscuits

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2010, 23:58:58 pm »
In general, Chandler's been really into the following things:

fresh blueberries
fresh raspberies
spinach souffle
snack mix with Cheerios, dried cherries, dark M&Ms, and cashews
Mom to Chandler McCrea born April 2, 2008

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2010, 00:02:54 am »
Heidi - love your nostalgic avatar, too cute  :-*

Thanks! DH's best pic ever!


B - cheerios & soy milk
L - slice of bread dipped in applesauce, ham, coleslaw minus the dressing
S- soy milk, rice cookies
S - ham, pineapple, tomato slice, olives, bread & a chocolate cupcake...she loved that!

I'm really not sure how much supper she actually ingested, she has taken to smearing food all over her placemat and stuffing it down under her bum!